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Quit smoking

This “ask the question, understand their addiction, inform patients, and initiate treatment” (QUIT) programme, provided by the South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw integrated care system and supported by Yorkshire cancer research, offers tobacco addiction treatment and stop-smoking support to colleagues and for the first time will include every hospital patient who smokes in South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw.

Although this service will be available for colleagues and inpatients in South Yorkshire, our QUIT team still offers specialist stop-smoking support in North Lincolnshire. Just contact our QUIT team on

Smoking causes 9 out 10 of lung cancers, as well as cancers of the mouth, lips, throat, bladder and stomach, to name but a few.

Even people who smoke less than five cigarettes a day can have early signs of cardiovascular disease. As well as respiratory disease, smoking can lead to sudden infant death syndrome, reduced fertility, and erectile dysfunction.

For more information visit NHS Live Well (opens in new window).

Page last reviewed: January 15, 2025
Next review due: January 15, 2026

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