Spiritual care centre
The trust is dedicated to the health, wellbeing, and recovery of those using its services, focusing on a person-centred approach where spiritual care plays a vital role.
We treat everyone with fairness and respect, without judgment or discrimination, recognising the importance of supporting individuals of all beliefs or non-beliefs.
The Chaplaincy team offers expert and compassionate support in various situations, especially during challenging and distressing times. This support encompasses:
- sudden death
- psychosis diagnosis of life-threatening conditions
- end of life care
- various kinds of self-harm
Evidence shows that appropriate chaplaincy support can provide immediate and lasting benefits for those seeking spiritual care interventions during challenging situations.
Although spirituality is complex to define, addressing patients’ individual spiritual needs can contribute to their mental health management. The positive impact of spirituality on mental health is gaining academic, clinical, and pastoral interest.
How we can help
We actively seek to contribute to the trust’s work, either on our initiative or by request. Our involvement extends to visiting wards, supporting community care, participating in staff development, and responding to challenging circumstances. We are flexible, adaptable, and open to collaboration.
Staff support
The chaplaincy team provides our colleagues with a safe, confidential, and compassionate space. Recognising the emotional challenges of their roles, we offer a listening ear and a reflective space for discussing deeper issues non-judgmentally. Colleagues can refer themselves for a conversation by emailing us at rdash.chaplaincy@nhs.net.
Memorials and bereavement support
During sad times of service users’ and staff members’ passing, we organise bespoke memorial events that honour those who have died. Understanding that bereavement has its own healing timescale, we work with teams and individuals to address ongoing pastoral and spiritual needs.
Staff development
The Spiritual Care centre actively contributes to staff development through sessions, workshops, and inductions. If you’d like the chaplaincy team to deliver a specific session or workshop, please get in touch with us at rdash.chaplaincy@nhs.net.
Support for service users and carers
The Spiritual Care centre is here to support service users and carers by offering:
- individuals accessing Rotherham, Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust services can receive care from our chaplains, catering to various spiritual or religious beliefs, including but not limited to Christian, Catholic, and Muslim faiths
- we provide a listening ear over the phone, and family and friends are welcome to call us for support
- we assist you in observing your faith, ensuring access to the necessary resources and facilities
- the centre provides access to holy texts, scriptures, or prayer books
- when appropriate, we offer religious guidance to provide reassurance and comfort
- we support you in maintaining and renewing connections with your local faith community
- our on-call service is available all year, every day, 24 hours a day
- colleagues can access a confidential listening service to discuss their concerns and challenges
Contact the Spiritual and Religious Care team
Page last reviewed: February 21, 2025
Next review due: February 21, 2026
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