Employment support
If you are having treatments with our Talking Therapies service, you can also access our employment support. Whether you’re currently employed, seeking employment or signed off sick, our employment advisors can personalise a plan to help you to remain in work, find work or return to work.
The team can help you to:
- understand your employment rights
- search for jobs, training or education opportunities
- write a curriculum vitae (CV) or job application
- identify reasonable adjustments
- develop confidence in the workplace
You will be asked about employment support in your initial assessment. If you think you would benefit from employment support, please let the practitioner know and they will book you in with an advisor.
Support for professionals
If you would like to know more about what the Talking Therapies service does, our referral process, or whether we can come along to your event, workplace or organisation, please contact a member of our team.
We can provide:
- information talks for workplaces, organisations and community hubs
- talking therapies workshops such as stress management taster sessions
- information sessions for professionals with updates on our service and further details on our referral criteria
- attendance at your event to let people know about the mental health support we offer
Get in touch with our Talking Therapies service to learn more.
Page last reviewed: March 10, 2025
Next review due: March 10, 2026
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