St John’s counselling
St John’s counselling is a service in Doncaster
The counselling service supports individuals with a life-limiting illness and their families, offering high-quality, personalised care that addresses emotional, physical, psychological, social, and spiritual needs. It aims to empower individuals and carers by providing tailored support.
How we can help
The service offers a range of counselling including:
- bereavement counselling
- one-to-one counselling
- family counselling
- couple counselling as appropriate
For additional information, please see palliative counselling.
How to get help
The counselling service is confidential and is offered to patients over the age of eighteen who are:
- patients with cancer or a life limiting condition
- carers, family members, friends, and children of patients with cancer or a life limiting condition
The service provides various types of counselling, including bereavement, one-on-one, family, and couple counselling.
It offers flexible options with face-to-face, telephone, or virtual appointments.
Contact St John’s counselling
Plan your journey
If you use public transport, the Traveline journey planner provides information about what services and times are available.
Page last reviewed: January 16, 2025
Next review due: January 16, 2026
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