School nursing (age 5 to 19)
School nursing (age 0 to 19) is a service in North Lincolnshire.
For ages 5 to 19 in Doncaster, please see the young people’s health and wellbeing (Zone 5 to 19) service.
How we can help
The school nursing service works as part of a wider team, including senior school nurses, community staff nurses, and nursery nurses.
They are trained to support children and young people in making healthy lifestyle choices, helping them reach their full potential and enjoy life.
The services they offer include:
- height and weight measurements
- vision and hearing screening
- immunisation clinics
- bed wetting advice and support
- sex and relationship advice
- home visits for families in need
- health education, advice, and signposting to other agencies
- support with behaviour concerns
- safeguarding and service coordination
For a comprehensive overview of our services, please visit the North Lincolnshire 5 to 19 school nursing (opens in new window).
How to get help
Parents can book online appointments with a school nurse through our Parent Plus eClinic mobile application.
Simply download the free app, on apple (opens in new window) or android (opens in new window) register and book an appointment time to chat online.
If you are a young person you can talk to a school nurse using our eClinic application.
Learn how to use the application with our eClinic explanation video (opens in new window).
Patient self-care information
- National Child Measurement Programme
- Childhood health
- Childhood lifestyle choices
- Childhood relationships
- Keeping safe in childhood
- Childhood emotional wellbeing
Plan your journey
If you use public transport, the Traveline journey planner provides information about what services and times are available.
Page last reviewed: March 04, 2025
Next review due: March 04, 2026
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