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Ward outbreak

Key points

An outbreak is defined as:

  • an incident in which two or more people experience a similar illness linked in time or place
  • a greater than expected rate of infection compared with the usual background rate for the place and time where the outbreak has occurred

If outbreak suspected:

  • escalate to service manager as per usual protocols
  • isolate patients where possible
  • obtain appropriate specimens for laboratory examination
  • inform the medic or who else responsible for the care of the affected patients
  • contact the IPC team at the earliest opportunity for advice:

If urgent specialist advice is required out of office hours or weekends and bank holidays this must be escalated through the normal channels and a decision made by the on call manager if contacting the consultant microbiologist is required. If it is, please contact the microbiologist for the locality the patient is in:

  • Doncaster and North Lincolnshire areas contact Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (DBTHFT) on 01302 366666
  • Rotherham area contact The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust (TRFT) on 01709 820000

IPC precautions

  • Refer to NIPCM for guidance relating to transmission based precautions.
  • Ensure doors to isolation rooms are kept closed. If patient safety is compromised, a documented risk assessment must be completed and reviewed at every shift.
  • Ensure appropriate signage is displayed on the door to the isolation room or bay without compromising patient confidentiality.
  • Ensure adequate provision and appropriate use of personal protective equipment (PPE).
  • Avoid moving patients unless clinically necessary.
  • Avoid non-essential treatments, therapies and appointments. For urgent, essential treatments the receiving organisation or department and transport provider must be informed that isolation precautions are in place.
  • Undertake a terminal clean of rooms once isolation is completed or the patient is discharged or transferred elsewhere.

Refer to supporting documents

Please see infection prevention and control manual webpage for supporting documents attached to this procedure as follows:

  • chlor-clean poster
  • terminal cleaning guide and checklist
  • isolation poster
  • isolation cleaning checklist

Linked to patient placement assessment of infection risk quick guide.

Page last reviewed: May 21, 2024
Next review due: May 21, 2025

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