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Protected time for colleagues attending the inclusion network meetings procedure


1 Introduction

The aim of this guidance is to facilitate time off with pay for attendees, secretaries, vice (the TOR refers to vice chair) deputy chairs and chairs of the inclusion networks to be given protected time to attend these meetings. In the interest of confidentiality if a colleague does not feel comfortable discussing this with their manager, they may wish to seek the support of another manager at the same level or speak with colleagues in the HR department or the head of equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) or a trade union representative.

2 Purpose

The purpose of this guidance is to provide colleagues with appropriate protected time to ensure that they can prepare for meetings, attend meetings with the right level of contribution and where necessary collate information, formulate minutes, and organise agendas from the past meetings and plan for future meetings, such as the organising of events, for example, pride and black history month.

To help ensure the success of our networks, it is important that those holding key roles are given time within their working hours to carry out their network responsibilities outside of normal working roles.

Permission granted under these arrangements is intended to especially assist Secretaries, vice, co-chairs, chairs of the networks. This does not include the time it takes to attend the meetings.

All colleagues are entitled to protected time off to attend the network meetings or staff governor meetings. All colleagues must give their managers at least 8 weeks’ notice to attend these meetings just in case cover or additional provision has to be arranged. Where possible if the colleague can give their manager more notification this would really help. In mitigating circumstances if a colleague must step in to cover for someone hopefully the manager will be able to support the release of the colleague.

3 Scope

These arrangements apply to all colleagues who wish to attend the network meetings or hold a position of responsibility and therefore require additional time to meet the demands of the voluntary and valued role.

4 Responsibilities, accountabilities and duties

4.1 Lead directors

It will be the responsibility of the colleague to speak with their manager in advance of the request to attend the meeting. It is the responsibility of the manager to ensure that the colleague is supported to attend the network meetings from their manager’s manager unless a patient safety issue requires the colleague to attend this patient safety matter instead.

Form in appendix a must be completed to ensure consistency.

It is the responsibility of the care group directors, corporate director, head of department to ensure that this guidance is applied fairly and equitably to all colleagues within their respective area.

4.3 Line managers

The responsibility for providing the protected time will rest with the line manager.

Requests made under this guidance should be considered by the line manager on an individual basis considering the full circumstances.

Managers have a duty to ensure that they apply these arrangements fairly and equitably to all colleagues and ensure that all requests for protected time are followed up. Managers must sign and approve the form in appendix A.

The purpose of this dialogue taking place is to ensure that:

  • the line manager to confirm their decision in relation to the conversation the colleague had with the most senior person on duty and the nature of the leave to be taken
  • the line manager is aware of the full circumstances and therefore able to support the colleague
  • the colleague is clear about the arrangements which have been approved and therefore is not burdened by the additional worry of how the protected time will be handled either at the time or on his or her return to work
  • where appropriate, the line manager can advise the colleague of any further avenues of support

The purpose of a dialogue taking place with the line manager is to ensure that:

  • the line manager is aware of the full circumstances and thereby able to advise the colleague on any further support which may be granted
  • the colleague is clear about the arrangements which have been approved and therefore is not burdened by the additional worry of how the protected time will be handled either at the time or on his or her return to work

4.4 Human resources

It is the responsibility of the human resources department to support and advise managers in the application of this guidance, ensuring consistency is applied.

4.5 Individual colleagues

It is the responsibility of each colleague to:

  • cooperate fully with the requirements of this guidance
  • communicate fully regarding the circumstances for the request
  • take every step to minimise the disruption to their colleagues and their working environment and ultimately patient safety

If a colleague knowingly provides false information in relation to taking time off for protected time, this may be treated as a disciplinary matter, and referred to the counter fraud specialist in line with the counter fraud, bribery and corruption policy, which could potentially amount to gross misconduct, rendering the employee liable to summary dismissal and potential criminal proceedings. We are trusting all colleagues to be honest about the time allocated to their responsibilities to be part of the staff network meetings.

5 Procedure and implementation

5.1 Applying for permitted time

We recognize that some colleagues can manage their time well and do not wish to disclose their protected characteristic with their manager. We totally respect the need for colleagues to remain confidential therefore if you do not need to register and record time to attend staff networks we are not mandating this. This document is guidance to assist those who wish to utilize the provision of protected time.

Applications for permitted time under this guidance should be submitted to the colleague’s line manager in the first instance by submitting the attached application form (appendix A).

Where submission of the appropriate form is not possible due to the urgency of the situation a request for permitted can be made over the phone with the line manager or the most senior manager on duty, followed by the submission of the application form.

Application forms should be completed regardless of whether the time is approved or rejected. If the application for permitted time under this guidance is rejected, the reasons for rejection should be explained to the colleague in full and documented on the completed application form.

5.2 Entitlements

Secretaries, vice chairs and chairs or co-chairs will be entitled to up to 15 hours of paid permitted time per month to support their roles in the network meetings and to attend any required development sessions linked to their role.

All colleagues who wish to attend the inclusion network meetings will be entitled to paid permitted time per meeting. It should be considered the same as going to any other work related meeting.

Refer to appendix A for supporting documentation.

To provide flexibility across the trust and a choice to colleagues to balance the demands of their role(s) and to support a work-life balance, colleagues and managers will the following options available:

  • to facilitate the hours within the employees contracted substantive hours
  • to authorise the payment of additional plain time hours (up to 37.5 hours per week or overtime if worked in excess of 37.5 hours per week, any additional costs will be centrally covered to ensure there is no cost pressure to local budgets

5.3 Managerial discretion

The trust wants to support the inclusion networks and therefore this is not a formal policy and colleagues, and managers must work together to ensure that colleagues receive protected time. These guidance notes are designed to support the meetings.

6 Appeal

Where a colleague is dissatisfied with the outcome of their application for permitted time under this guidance the matter should be raised with the next level manager in the first instance. Advice can also be sought from trade union representatives.

7 Training implications (training needs analysis)

There are no specific training needs in relation to this guidance, however the following colleagues will need to be familiar with its contents:

  • line managers
  • care group directors or head of service
  • directors
  • human resource representatives
  • staff side representatives

8 Appendices

8.1 Appendix A Application for protected time

Document control

  • Version: 2
  • Unique reference number: 621.
  • Date ratified: 5 December 2023.
  • Ratified by: Corporate policy approval group.
  • Name of originator or author: EDI advisor.
  • Name of responsible individual: Executive director of people and organisational development.
  • Date issued: 24 January 2024.
  • Review date: 31 January 2027.
  • Target audience: All trust colleagues attending staff network meetings.

Page last reviewed: January 17, 2025
Next review due: January 17, 2026

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