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Offsite storage procedure


1 Aim

As a trust we are required to keep records for specified periods of time after involvements with patients, service users, or staff have ended. The period of time for keeping these closed records varies dependent upon the nature of the involvement that the trust had with the individual. The retention period for each type of record is specified in the Records Management Code of Practice (2021) (opens in new window).

This document contains guidance in relation to the processes for preparing and retrieving closed records.

2 Scope

This standard operating procedure applies to all staff working within the trust who are involved in handling patient, service user and staff personal information and any other trust records that are required to be sent off site for storage or retrieved from storage.

3 Links to any other associated documents

This standard operating procedure is over-arched by and should be used in conjunction with the corporate records policy.

4 Procedure or implementation

4.1 File or box pre-preparation

Prior to files being sent to offsite storage staff should:

  • ensure all loose filing has been placed in the file
  • do not use lever arch files unless they are full as these can be laid flat (approximately 4 or 5 per box)
  • do not use plastic folders or punched pockets, use paper-based folders or envelopes, plastic can cause records to sweat and is environmentally unfriendly when recycling destroyed records
  • each box should be filled with files that have the same destruction date. This will minimise time taken to prepare files for destruction in the future. The offsite storage facility will carry out destruction on behalf of the trust at the end of the retention period
  • ensure a 4cm gap is left in each box to allow easier removal and replacement of files
  • do not send partially filled offsite storage boxes, these will be returned
  • each box must be identified by a barcode
  • a destruction date must be applied to the outside of the box and each file

4.2 Patient files

Please ensure that 4.1 has been followed when prepping files for offsite storage.

Patient files relates to any file that has the patient’s name within.

Mixed files, with more than one patient’s details within a file, should not be sent to offsite storage as this makes it difficult to destroy when the retention period ends. If more than one patient is mentioned within a letter a copy of the letter should be placed on each patient’s file.

It is important that patient files are labelled inside the box correctly as the contents of patient file boxes are catalogued.

The files inside should each have:

  • first name
  • last or family name
  • date of birth
  • NHS number
  • date of death (if applicable)
  • the year sticker of last seen and the destroy date

Deceased and discharged records must be filed separately as they have different retention periods.

Where there are multiple files for the same service and individual, these should be placed in the same box wherever possible.

Do not band or tie files together, keep them separate.

Please make sure you place a file barcode on each file, and a box barcode on the outside of the box.

4.3 Staff files

Please ensure that 4.1 has been followed when prepping files for offsite storage.

The procedure for staff files is the same for patient files, however, the retention period differs. Please refer to the Records Management Code of Practice 2021 (opens in new window) for the correct retention period.

For each individual staff member’s file, the outside of the file must state:

  • first name
  • last or family name
  • date of birth
  • staff employee number
  • destroy date

Do not band or tie files together, keep them separate.

Please make sure you place a file barcode on each file, and a box barcode on the outside of the box.

4.4 Other records

Please ensure that 4.1 has been followed when prepping files for offsite storage.

For any other records which are not patient or staff files but have a retention period greater than 1 year the following process under 4.1 should be adhered to.

4.5 Active patient records

Please ensure that 4.1 has been followed when prepping files for offsite storage.

The procedure for dealing with active patient records is the same for patient files. However, a destroy date cannot be used due to the patient still being alive and receiving treatment (destroy dates start at: date of discharge or date of death)

The files inside should each have:

  • first name
  • last or family name
  • date of birth
  • NHS number

Where there are multiple files for the same service these should be placed in the same box wherever possible.

Do not band or tie files together, keep them separate.

Please make sure you place a file barcode on each file, and a box barcode on the outside of the box.

4.6 New deposits and re-files

New deposits (records that have never been sent off-site) should be placed together in a box with other new deposits of the same destruction year.

Ensure the guidelines in 4.1 have been followed.

Re-files (records that have been retrieved from off-site) can be mixed in a box with other re-files. As long as the record has an offsite storage barcode on the cover.

4.7 File management

There will be occasions when it may be necessary to retrieve records that have been sent for storage. There is a cost associated with each retrieval therefore ensure there is a business need to retrieve a record. If unsure, refer to your manager.

Each service area should have members of staff who have access to the offsite storage facility to manage archived records, please liaise with this staff member over collections.

If the staff member has not logged on recently and requires a password reset, please contact to arrange this.

If there is not a member of staff with access, please contact to arrange this.

Follow the instructions in this guidance (opens in new window) to arrange collection.

Please note, the system will only work when opened in Internet Explorer.

Reasons you may need to retrieve a record could include:

  • re-referral of patient
  • re-employment of member of staff
  • investigation
  • subject access request

4.7.1 Re-referral of patient or re-employment of staff

Where the file is returning to the trust on a permanent basis and is being re-opened, for example the patient has been re-referred or the staff member has been re-employed, the record will need to be permed out from offsite storage.

In this instance, peel the existing barcode from the file and destroy it. Where the barcode cannot be removed without causing damage to the file, it must be blacked out with permanent marker to make it completely unreadable. Do not use a biro as the barcode could still be scanned through the biro ink.

Permed out means to be removed from the offsite storage database and then returned as a new file or new deposit.

At the point of discharge or termination of employment these records will be sent to offsite storage again following points 4.2 or 4.3.

4.7.2 Investigation or subject access request

Where the file remains closed, for example, the file is not needed for an investigation, or a subject access request files will need to be returned to the original box to the offsite storage facility using the existing barcode reference number.

Do not remove or amend existing barcodes on file(s) as this will make it difficult to track and return a file(s).

4.8 Delivery dates of retrievals

Delivery dates of retrievals 
Order submitted Delivery day
Monday before 4pm Wednesday
Monday after 4pm Wednesday
Tuesday before 4pm Wednesday
Tuesday after 4pm Friday
Wednesday before 4pm Friday
Wednesday after 4pm Friday
Thursday before 4pm Friday
Thursday after 4pm Monday
Friday before 4pm Monday
Friday after 4pm Wednesday

4.9 Re-referral

Where a patient has been re-referred back into the same service all records relating to a previous contact must be held on one file. Please follow 4.7 for file retrievals.

If records have been destroyed in line with the retention and disposal policy a new record or file must be created.

If the patient has had contact with another service, they will have a file in that service area. All files will be kept in accordance with the longest retention period, but the service area files should not be mixed.

4.10 Filing

If there are a small number (a few pages) of outstanding papers for a file that is already at the offsite storage facility the file must be retrieved from the offsite storage and the information added to the file. The file can then be sent back to offsite storage.

Where loose filing exceeds a small amount, an assessment needs to be made by the responsible team to decide whether a new file should be created: this is to ensure the box at offsite storage has enough space to accommodate the additional filing.

4.11 Destruction

On an annual basis records at offsite storage will be checked for any files that are ready for destruction. Reports will be generated, which will provide details of records to be destroyed.

After destruction the offsite storage provider will issue a destruction certificate to the data protection officer or head of information governance who will retain these for audit purposes.

4.12 Building closures

The data protection officer or head of information governance must be notified immediately when it has been agreed a building is to close. This allows time to notify the current offsite storage provider that they may receive an influx of boxes within a set period of time.

Procedures must be followed in line with the moving to alternative premises policy.

Service areas must take responsibility for records and information generated for the service they have provided. The responsible managers must identify the types of records held and liaise with the data protection officer or head of information governance regarding whether records are ready for destruction and are to be sent to offsite storage or another office before they vacate the building.

The relevant services must discuss the responsibility and ownership of the records with senior managers and agree how to manage the records effectively and safely.

Records must not be sent to another location without prior agreement with the data protection officer or head of information governance.

Records must never be left in a vacated building regardless of whether it is still owned by the trust.

4.13 Quarantine

Where boxes of records do not conform to this procedure, records will be quarantined at offsite storage; questions will be raised, and ultimately the boxes could be returned. Please make sure you factor enough time to archive your records correctly.

5 Appendices

5.1 Appendix A Offsite storage codes

Do not use DON, DOP or DSH.

If your code is not listed, please contact

Level 1 account codes
Account description Level 1 account code
Rotherham, Doncaster and South Humber 710
RDaSH workforce and OD other records 710
RDaSH workforce and OD staff files 710
RDaSH finance other records 710
RDaSH finance staff files 710
RDaSH DSH medical director NCB 710
RDaSH business assurance staff file 710
RDaSH executive other records 710
Active patient files 710
Business assurance other records 710
RDaSH AMH patient files 710
RDaSH AMH other records 710
RDaSH AMH staff files 710
RDaSH forensics other records 710
RDaSH forensics staff files 710
RDaSH forensics patient files 710
RDaSH DOP MH bus sup finance NCB 710
RDaSH DOP MH bus sup finance NCF 710
RDaSH ASH DOP MH bus sup HR NCB 710
RDaSH DOP MH bus sup HR NCF 710
Active patient files 710
RDaSH OPMHS other records 710
RDaSH OPMHS staff files 710
RDaSH OPMHS patient files 710
RDaSH SMS staff files 710
RDaSH SMS other record 710
RDaSH SMS patient file 710
RDaSH LDS other records 710
RDaSH LDS patient files 710
RDaSH LDS staff files 710
RDaSH DCIS patient files 710
RDaSH DCIS staff files 710
RDaSH DCIS other records 710
RDaSH CYPMH other records 710
RDaSH CYPMH patient files 710
RDaSH CYPMH staff files 710
RDaSH Warren nursery child files 710
RDaSH Warren nursery staff files 710
RDaSH DON CC bus sup finance NCF 710
RDaSH DON CC bus sup finance NCB 710
RDaSH DON performance NCB 710
Business assurance or health informatics 710
RDaSH older peoples mental health 710
RDaSH autism records 710
RDaSH AMH recovery and social inclusion 710
Active patient records 710
CAMHS active patient records 710
DCIS active patient records 710
LDS active patient records 710
710/48 DAS active patient records 710
Rotherham Borough wide 710
The Junction, TJ 710
Provider services 710
RDaSH Doncaster MHA papers inactive 710
RDaSH Doncaster MHA papers deceased 710
Mental Health Act papers inactive 710
Mental Health Act papers deceased 710
RDaSH criminal justice liaison service 710
ANH admin or nurses home 710
CIT Community Intervention team 710
CNC community nursing central 710
CNE community nursing east 710
CNW community nursing west 710
CUB community urology and bowel S 710
DIA diabetes specialist 710
DIS district nurses 710
DNG directorate nursing. gov and Pa 710
GNP general (provider) 710
HFT Heart Failure team 710
HOS hospice 710
IMC intermediate care secretaries 710
OCC occupational therapy 710
POD podiatry services 710
SMO smoking cessations 710
SSP SCH service provision 710
SXH sexual health 710
The Junction JUN 710
The Junction TJ 710
Level 2 account codes
Account description Level 2 account code
RDaSH workforce and OD other records 0
RDaSH workforce and OD Staff files 1
RDaSH finance other records 2
RDaSH finance staff files 3
RDaSH DSH medical director NCB 4
RDaSH business assurance staff file 5
RDaSH executive other records 6
Active patient files 7
Business assurance other records 8
RDaSH AMH patient files 9
RDaSH AMH other records 10
RDaSH AMH staff files 11
RDaSH forensics other records 12
RDaSH forensics staff files 13
RDaSH forensics patient files 14
RDaSH DOP MH bus sup finance NCB 15
RDaSH DOP MH bus sup finance NCF 16
RDaSH DOP MH bus sup HR NCB 17
RDaSH DOP MH bus sup HR NCF 18
Active patient files 19
RDaSH OPMHS other records 20
RDaSH OPMHS staff files 21
RDaSH OPMHS patient files 22
RDaSH SMS staff files 23
RDaSH SMS other record 24
RDaSH SMS patient file 25
RDaSH LDS other records 26
RDaSH LDS patient files 27
RDaSH LDS staff files 28
RDaSH DCIS patient files 29
RDaSH DCIS staff files 30
RDaSH DCIS other records 31
RDaSH CYPMH other records 32
RDaSH CYPMH patient files 33
RDaSH CYPMH staff files 34
RDaSH Warren nursery child files 35
RDaSH Warren nursery staff files 36
RDaSH DON CC bus sup finance NCF 37
RDaSH DON CC bus sup finance NCB 38
RDaSH DON performance NCB 39
Business assurance or health informatics 40
RDaSH older peoples mental health 41
RDaSH autism records 42
RDaSH AMH recovery and social inclusion 43
Active patient records 44
CAMHS active patient records 45
DCIS active patient records 46
LDS active patient records 47
710/48 DAS active patient records 48
Rotherham Borough wide 49
The Junction, TJ CINTJ
Provider services DON_1557
RDaSH Doncaster MHA papers inactive 9
RDaSH Doncaster MHA papers deceased 9
Mental Health Act papers inactive 9
Mental Health Act papers deceased 9
RDaSH criminal justice liaison service 9
ANH admin or nurses home DON_1557
CIT Community Intervention team DON_1557
CNC community nursing central DON_1557
CNE community nursing east DON_1557
CNW community nursing west DON_1557
CUB community urology and bowel S DON_1557
DIA diabetes specialist DON_1557
DIS district nurses DON_1557
DNG directorate nursing. gov and Pa DON_1557
GNP general (provider) DON_1557
HFT Heart Failure team DON_1557
HOS hospice DON_1557
IMC intermediate care secretaries DON_1557
OCC occupational therapy DON_1557
POD podiatry services DON_1557
SMO smoking cessations DON_1557
SSP SCH service provision DON_1557
SXH sexual health DON_1557
The Junction JUN CINTJ
The Junction TJ CINTJ
Level 3 account codes
Account description Level 3 account code
RDaSH Doncaster MHA papers inactive D24
RDaSH Doncaster MHA papers deceased D25
Mental Health Act papers inactive R24
Mental Health Act papers deceased R25
RDaSH criminal justice liaison service R26
ANH admin or nurses home ANH
CIT Community Intervention team CIT
CNC community nursing central CNC
CNE community nursing east CNE
CNW community nursing west CNW
CUB community urology and bowel S CUB
DIA diabetes specialist DIA
DIS district nurses DIS
DNG directorate nursing. gov and Pa DNG
GNP general (provider) GNP
HFT Heart Failure team HFT
HOS hospice HOS
IMC intermediate care secretaries IMC
OCC occupational therapy OCC
POD podiatry services POD
SMO smoking cessations SMO
SSP SCH service provision SSP
SXH sexual health SXH
The Junction JUN JUN
The Junction TJ TJ

Document control

  • Version: 5.
  • Unique reference number: 331.
  • Ratified by: Digital transformation CLE group.
  • Date ratified: 10 December 2024.
  • Name of originator or author: Data protection officer or head of information governance.
  • Name of responsible individual: Director of informatics.
  • Date issued: 2 February 2025.
  • Review date: 31 January 2028.
  • Target audience: All trust employees.

Page last reviewed: January 17, 2025
Next review due: January 17, 2026

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