1 Scope
A single NHS Job Evaluation Scheme operates for all Agenda for Change roles. Agenda for Change (AfC) was introduced in 2004 and is the current national grading and pay system for NHS staff, excluding doctors and dentists, apprentices, and some senior managers. Very senior managers (VSM) as determined by the national very senior managers pay scales and whose pay is determined by the trust’s remuneration committee. Agenda for Change was developed to ensure equal pay for work of equal value. The job matching process gives a clear and consistent mechanism for assessing the correct Agenda for Change banding of posts within the trust.
It is recognised that job descriptions and roles change over time and the job description should be reviewed and where necessary, for example, when readvertising a current role or updated at the PDR or appraisal stage.
The purpose of the Agenda for Change job matching process is to enable the creation of new types of roles to meet service needs; to redesign and reprofile the workforce in the light of changing requirements; and to ensure that on an individual level, jobs which change remain banded and paid consistently and fairly. Managers should review any changes to the requirement of the service, or duties of the current post, to ensure the job description is matched to the relevant banding, ensuring consistency across the service and trust.
Advice should be sought from the human resources department to ascertain whether the revised job description needs to be reassessed in accordance with Agenda for Change job matching. All updates to job descriptions should be submitted on the trust’s template job description (opens in new window).
This procedure is designed to ensure that all posts within the organisation are dealt with in a fair and consistent manner.
This document applies to and is relevant across all areas of the trust to any individual employed under Agenda for Change terms and conditions. Very senior managers who are employed on different terms and conditions are in scope purely for the purpose of enacting Agenda for Change processes for staff they line manage.
The Agenda for Change system allocates posts into one of nine pay bands (recognising band 8 is sub-divided into 4 levels, A, B, C and D) by considering aspects of the jobs contained in 16 job evaluation factors, in line with the NHS Job Evaluation Scheme. To enable the process to take place consistently posts are “matched” to one of a set of job profiles developed nationally. These profiles are regularly reviewed, updated, and reissued. They may also be declared obsolete and not for use.
The 16 job evaluation factors are:
- factor 1, communication and relationship skills
- factor 2, knowledge, training and experience
- factor 3, analytical and judgmental skills
- factor 4, planning and organizational skills
- factor 5, physical skills
- factor 6, responsibilities for patient and client care
- factor 7, responsibilities for policy and service development implementation
- factor 8, responsibilities for financial and physical resources
- factor 9, responsibilities for human resources
- factor 10, responsibilities for information resources
- factor 11, responsibilities for research and development
- factor 12, freedom to act
- factor 13, physical effort
- factor 14, mental effort
- factor 15, emotional effort
- factor 16, working conditions
The sixteen factors are each weighted in line with their prominence within the individual national profiles. Review the national profiles (opens in new window).
The Agenda for Change process is carried out at all levels in full partnership between trained management leads, trust staff representatives and members of the Human Resources team. There may be occasions where we work collaboratively with other trusts to have shared panels. There is also the option to use external panels which comply with the principles outlined in this standard operating procedure. All panel members must be trained in Agenda for Change job matching for consistency purposes.
2 Associated documents
- NHS Job evaluation handbook (opens in new window)
- NHS Employers job national profiles (opens in new window)
- NHS Terms and conditions of service (Agenda for Change) (opens in new window)
3 Procedure or implementation
In the first instance, the employee and manager should have a discussion whether they both agree application to the job matching panel is appropriate.
The Human Resources team will plan to have 12 months of panels scheduled to allow adequate notice for all trained panellists to commit to attending.
One week prior to the job matching panel each panel member will receive a pack for each job. The pack will contain the following documents:
- new or revised job description and person specification with amendments clearly highlighted
- job questionnaire (appendix B)
3.1 Process for job matching a post where there is an existing postholders
The line manager and employee should review the current job description and agree what is required as part of their role. If the manager does not agree that duties the employee is completing are within the remit of their role, then this should be made clear to the employee.
The postholder and their line manager should jointly review the existing job description and person specification, discuss any changes, and develop an agreed job description and person specification based on the requirements of the role.
When reviewing the job description and person specification the line manager and the postholder should ensure that an organisational chart is included, which clearly sets out the reporting structure as well as identifying any posts for which the postholder is responsible.
If making amendments to a set of original paperwork already in existence the line manager should ensure the amendments are highlighted either by using track changes or a different coloured type face.
The postholder and line manager must also complete a job matching questionnaire (appendix B) to provide context to the emotional, mental and physical factors of the role. Colleagues are reminded that the requirements of the role should be detailed and not the qualification or skills that the individual postholder has, this is the job description that will be used should the employee leave and therefore needs to reflect the role requirements rather than the skills the individual brings to the role.
The Human Resources team will receive the submission and list the post for the next available Agenda for Change matching panel. Agenda for Change matching panels will usually take place at least once per calendar month but may be more often where time, capacity and availability allow.
3.1.1 Matching panel constitution
Job matching panels will consist of a minimum of three panel members and a maximum of four. The panel must have both staff side and management representatives present to be quorate, if there are four panel members there should be two staff side and two management representatives. For the purposes of this policy members of the people and organisational development directorate are management representatives.
The panel will use the trust’s intelligent job evaluation system (IJES) software to search for relevant national profiles, record scores and provide rationale as to why the panel have scored in that way.
The Human Resources team will request the availability of the line manager and post holder, or a representative post holder where the matching application is on behalf of more than one post holder or a group of postholders) on the date of the matching panel. It is essential that the line manager and post holder make themselves available for the duration of the job matching panel in the event the matching panel may need to ask questions and, or clarify the details contained in the job description and person specification. The questions are usually asked via a telephone or Microsoft Teams call and the responses recorded. Should the line manager or postholder not be available to take questions and the panel be unable to complete the process, then the application will be deferred until the next available panel. Please note that depending on the number of jobs requiring job matching the next available panel may not be the next consecutive month.
Following the discussion with the line manager and the employee the panel may make recommendations for the job description to be amended, these amendments are required to be made to the job description prior to the job description being submitted to the consistency checking panel.
Where a matching panel is unable to match to a national profile, they declare a “no-match”. Following this, the panel will decide whether to attempt to match to a different profile, or if no profile can be identified, the post will be sent for job evaluation.
The findings of the job matching panel are reviewed by means of consistency checking detailed in section 3.6. Once consistency checking is completed the outcome of the job matching application is fed back to the Human Resources team who will inform the line manager prior to the postholders receiving written confirmation of the outcome (appendix C). A copy of the job matching report will be downloaded from intelligent job evaluation system (IJES) and enclosed with the outcome letter for information.
If the job matching application is successful, for example, confirmed in a higher pay band, the effective date of the new banding will be the date on which the paperwork was forwarded to or otherwise received to the human resources department. If there are exceptional circumstances to support backdating further, these will be considered with the line manager by HR following the panel and there will be an expectation for evidence to be provided to support this, for example, emails confirming a change of duties etc. On completion of the process the line manager will be asked to complete a contract variation via electronic staff record (ESR) and liaise with the relevant pay services contact, for action by payroll.
Where a job matching application is successful and results in a change to terms and conditions of employment beyond the change in salary, for example, where a different notice period applies in the new pay band, a new contract of employment will be issued to the members of staff by the Recruitment team.
If the application is unsuccessful the post holder will be entitled to request a review of the decision (section 3.8). The request for review must be registered with the Human Resources team, using the review form, within three months of the date of the job matching outcome letter.
3.2 Quality assurance review process for allocating vacant and amended posts to an Agenda for Change pay band
The process of allocating new and vacant posts where similar roles exist within the trust will be dependent on how similar the role is to others within the trust. Where a new role is similar to another role within the trust then a quality assurance review is carried out by a trained representative in Agenda for Change job matching.
If the post is a vacant post due to the resignation of a previous postholder, and the job description and person specification are unchanged, and have been reviewed within the last three years there is no requirement for them to be resubmitted for quality assurance review (QAR). If the job descriptions or person specifications for vacant posts have not been reviewed in the last three years, or have had minor changes, managers are expected to review the documentation to ensure they are fit for purpose and to present job description and person specification for a QAR to review. All job descriptions requiring a quality assurance review will be sent to
3.3 Significant changes to a previously banded job description
The quality assurance review (QAR) may highlight significant changes to the job description and person specification. Significant amendments to job description and person specification may affect the pay band or the compatibility to a national profile and therefore would require referral to a job matching panel detailed in section 3.1. Examples of the type of significant amendments that may affect the pay band are:
- the addition or removal of qualifications or other knowledge, training and experience required in the person specification
- changes to the freedom to act, for example, the extent to which the postholder will be required to be accountable for their own actions, to use their initiative and act independently, freedom to act also includes the discretion given to a postholder to take action
- changes to the responsibility in one or more of the management responsibilities such as:
- analytical and judgemental skills (for example, level of decision-making required in the post)
- policy and service development
- finance
- HR
- information resources (for information technology posts)
- research and development (for research posts)
3.4 New roles
For any new role the recruiting manager should draft a job description and person specification using the trust’s agreed templates provided by the Recruitment team. The recruiting manager should ensure that when drafting the job description and the person specification an organisational chart is included, which sets out the reporting structure as well as identifying any posts the postholder will be responsible for.
Advice and support when reviewing a job description and person specification is available from members of the Recruitment team.
Where the role is completely new and, or there is not a similar role within the trust the role will go through the job matching process detailed in section 3.1.
The recruiting manager will then receive feedback regarding the changes made. Where a post has matched to a national job evaluation profile at the pay band indicated there is no requirement to make any amendments to the job description and person specification.
For all new roles within the trust the job description and person specification should be reviewed with the successful candidate and line manager after 6 months within the role to check that job description is an accurate reflection of the work being conducted. Any amendments should be present to a job matching review panel.
3.5 Process for organisational change
When major service re-configuration is to be proposed a consultation or collective consultation process in respect of the proposed re-configuration is required. Where a proposal impacts on the number of posts available and, or the pay banding of posts, the job description and person specification of the affected posts should be revised to reflect the requirements of the proposed reconfigured service.
The revised job descriptions and person specifications must be considered by a matching panel and should therefore be submitted to for allocation to a matching panel. Every attempt will be made to prioritise posts affected where service reconfiguration is proposed.
The next available matching panel will consider the post in line with section 3.1. Members of the job matching panel may contact the manager for clarification on the content of the role. The findings of the job matching panel will be reviewed and signed off by the next available consistency checking. The outcome of the process will then be passed to the line manager. If there are no changes to the proposed roles there is no requirement for a review.
3.6 Consistency checking
Consistency checking will take place on a minimum of a monthly basis. Consistency checking panels will comprise one management representative and one staff side representative. Consistency checking panels will not include anyone from the job matching panel.
The Human Resources (HR) team will provide the consistency panel with the job evaluation report from Intelligent Job Evaluation System (IJES). The full consistency checking should take place on IJES and be inputted by the consistency panel.
The matching and evaluation outcomes should be checked against:
- other local matches within the same occupational group and job family
- other local matches within the same pay band
- national profiles for the same occupational group and pay band
The panel should ensure:
- all factors are recorded and evidenced correctly
- scores are correctly totalled
- the outcome is correctly identified
- the chosen national profile is appropriate.
Where the consistency panel decide that further information is required to support a match to a profile, they must contact members of the matching panel. Panel members must make themselves available to answer questions that may be asked at the consistency stage.
Any apparent inconsistencies in matching will be reviewed by the consistency panel giving details of any evidence within the documentation, panel notes, or further discussions with line managers and sent back to the original panel electronically for discussion or agreement, this includes where the consistency panel consider an alternative profile to be more appropriate.
The consistency panel and matching panel will work together to resolve any inconsistencies. If these cannot be resolved outcomes can be checked with neighbouring trusts and, or referred to the national job evaluation group secretariat.
Once the consistency panel has concluded human resources will be notified of the outcome and given the consistency documentation to file. Human resources will notify the relevant line manager and post holder of the outcome (appendix C).
Consistency checking should be completed within 1 month of the original job matching panel and the outcome letter sent within one week of the consistency panel providing human resources with the outcome.
3.7 Outcome
Once the consistency process has been completed the HR team will provide an outcome to the line manager and employee involved in the process. There are three potential outcomes to a job matching process based on the job profile the job description is matched to:
- the job banding increases
- the job banding remains the same
- the job banding reduces
Should the banding increase this will be effective from the date the application was made. Should the banding reduce, this will be effective from the date the employee has been notified of the outcome and there will be no entitlement to pay protection.
The line manager is responsible for informing pay services and completing a contract variation for any changes in.
Should the employee disagree with the outcome they can proceed to the review process.
3.8 Review process
On completion of the job banding, and evaluation process the employee will receive an outcome letter detailing the outcome, scores and rationale for the scores. Should an employee disagree with the scores for one or more factors then they are able to apply for a review.
To prepare for a review panel the postholders and their line manager should complete a Agenda for Change review form (appendix D) identifying and updating the job evaluation factors they believe have been matched at the incorrect level. Any specific points that they wish the panel to consider during the review should also be identified.
It is not necessary to draft a new job description and person specification for the review process, although updates to the job description and person specification may be advised following the review.
The completed review form is submitted to and must be submitted within three months of the date of the outcome letter, or it will not be taken further, and the matter will be considered closed.
Review forms that are received within the three-month timescale will be allocated to a review panel. The panel review only those job evaluation factors which have been challenged by the employee. Exceptionally the panel will amend other factors where they discover clear evidence that the original matching panel and, or consistency panel have not recognised specific points. The review panel will consist of a management and staff side representatives who have not been involved in the process so far.
The review panel will either:
- confirm the original band outcome (with either the same or different scores assigned to each factor level)
- match the post to a different national profile (with either the same or different scores assigned to each factor level)
The findings of the review panel are then reviewed by a consistency panel.
Where the consistency panel decide that further information is required to support a match to a profile, they must contact members of the matching panel. Panel members must make themselves available to answer questions that may be asked at the consistency stage.
Any apparent inconsistencies in matching will be reviewed by the consistency panel giving details of any evidence within the documentation, panel notes, or further discussions with line managers and sent back to the original panel electronically for discussion and agreement, this includes where the consistency panel consider an alternative profile to be more appropriate.
The consistency panel and matching panel will work together to resolve any inconsistencies. If these cannot be resolved outcomes can be checked with neighbouring trusts and, or referred to the national job evaluation group secretariat.
If the application outcome results in a higher pay band, the effective date of new banding will be the date which the original application paperwork was forwarded to or otherwise received into the Human Resources team. If there are exceptional circumstances to support backdating further, these will be considered with the full participation of staff representatives. The line manager is asked to complete a contract variation via electronic staff record (ESR) and liaise with the relevant pay services contact, for action by payroll.
If the job matching application is unsuccessful the pay banding remains unchanged and there is no further right to review under the Agenda for Change procedure. Where an application and review are unsuccessful no further application in relation to that post will be accepted within six months from the date of the review outcome letter, unless there is a significant change to the role, for example, because of organisational change. Any future application in relation to the post outside the six-month period must clearly indicate significant changes and developments within the role and responsibilities of the post as agreed with the line manager before any future application would be accepted.
3.9 Record keeping
The HR department will maintain records of factor levels for final job outcomes for all new and changed jobs on Intelligent Job Evaluation System (IJES). These records will be updated as they are amended. All job descriptions that have been matched will be assigned a job reference number which must be recorded on the job description. Human resources will also create and hold a job description library of all roles in the structure, whether changed or not. This is intended to assist in assessing consistency of matching panel outcomes, factor levels and bandings both within job families and across structures.
4 Training implications
4.1 Manager
- How often should this be undertaken: Once, then updated with any policy changes.
- Length of training: Half day covers various topics.
- Delivery method: Policy workshop and, or briefings.
- Training delivered: Human resources.
- Where are the records of attendance held: Electronic staff record (ESR) and personal files.
4.2 Human resources (Human Resources team partners)
- How often should this be undertaken: On appointment, then updated with any policy changes.
- Length of training: Half a day.
- Delivery method: Induction, shadowing, and team meetings.
- Training delivered: Human resources team partners.
- Where are the records of attendance held: Electronic staff record (ESR) and personal files.
4.3 Human resources (external)
- How often should this be undertaken: Agenda for Change job matching training.
- Length of training: 2 days.
- Delivery method: Workshop.
- Training delivered: External.
- Where are the records of attendance held: Electronic staff record (ESR) and personal files.
4.4 Staff side (human resources department)
- How often should this be undertaken: Staff side representatives will be directed to the policy on revision or as new representatives are confirmed.
- Length of training: Half a day.
- Delivery method: Policy forum and, or briefings.
- Training delivered: Human resources department.
- Where are the records of attendance held: Electronic staff record (ESR) and personal files.
4.5 Staff side (regional staff side representative)
- How often should this be undertaken: Staff side representatives will be directed to the policy on revision or as new representatives are confirmed.
- Length of training: Half a day.
- Delivery method: Induction.
- Training delivered: Regional staff side representative.
- Where are the records of attendance held: Electronic staff record (ESR) and personal files.
4.6 Staff side (external)
- How often should this be undertaken: Agenda for Change job matching training.
- Length of training: 2 days.
- Delivery method: Workshop.
- Training delivered: External.
- Where are the records of attendance held: Electronic staff record (ESR) and personal files.
5 Appendices
5.1 Appendix A Responsibilities, accountabilities and duties
5.1.1 Agenda for Change lead
Working in partnership the Agenda for Change leads (one management and one staff side) are responsible for maintaining oversight and implementation of a fair and consistent process in conjunction with the Agenda for Change job terms and conditions handbook and the job evaluation handbook. The Agenda for Change leads will also be responsible for authorising any roles that require an external job matching panel.
5.1.2 Employee
It is the responsibility of each employee to seek approval from management to have their job reviewed at a job matching panel. Employees must work with line managers to develop a job description that accurately reflects their current role and responsibilities in line with the service requirement for the role. The employee and manager must also complete a job matching questionnaire (appendix B) before a submission can be made. The employee must be available during the job matching panel to answer any questions relating to the submission.
5.1.3 Line management
It is the responsibility of the line manager to review the job description and person specification with the employee during the appraisal process, to ensure they accurately reflect the requirements of the role. If an employee makes a request for their job description to be reviewed it is the responsibility of the manager to work with the employee to agree a job description that accurately reflects the current role. It is the line manager’s responsibility to ensure all relevant paperwork is submitted to the Human Resources team. Line managers must be available during the job matching panel to answer any questions relating to the submission.
Managers need to be aware of the job matching process and the impact that it might have on banding if they ask colleagues to undertake duties outside their agreed job description. Should an employee wish to have their job description reviewed, management need to be prepared to pay any increases.
5.1.4 Human Resources team
The Human Resources team are responsible for the organisation and administration of the job matching process. Human resources must ensure that panels are set up in line with this standard operating procedure. The Human Resources team are responsible for providing members of the panel with all relevant documentation that has been submitted to help inform their decision. The Human Resources team are also responsible for arranging the consistency checking and ensuring all relevant documentation is available.
Once a decision has been made the Human Resources team will provide line managers and post holders with the outcome of the process.
Should there be a trust wide banding project, senior management will lead on the process, liaising with managers, human resources and trust staff side representatives.
5.1.5 Trust staff side representatives and employees
Trust staff side representatives and employees who are not staff side representatives but are accredited to support the panels, are responsible for maintaining their understanding and knowledge of the Agenda for Change job matching processes. They must make themselves available for job matching panels and are required to attend at least two job matching panels per year. Trust staff side representatives are also required to take part in the consistency checking process.
5.2 Appendix B Job matching questionnaire
5.3 Appendix C Job outcome template
5.4 Appendix D Job review appeal
Document control
- Version: 1.1
- Ratified by: People and teams clinical leadership executive group.
- Date ratified: 10 December 2024.
- Name of originator or author: Head of human resources.
- Name of responsible committee or individual: Director of people and organisational development.
- Unique reference number: 1097.
- Date issued: 8 January 2025.
- Review date: 31 January 2027.
- Target audience: Trust wide.
Page last reviewed: February 18, 2025
Next review due: February 18, 2026
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