When Jess Anderson gave birth to her daughter Lydia she thought she’d the baby blues… but the feelings got more unpleasant and she knew she needed help.
Jess (36), who works at Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust in Doncaster as a South Yorkshire workforce lead, rang the Crisis team, asked for help and was referred to the perinatal mental health service, a service set up specifically to help new mums who need mental health support.
Jess, whose daughter is now four-years-old, said: “I’ve had anxiety and depression affect my life before but a few days after having Lydia it struck again. I thought it was the baby blues until I started having really unpleasant thoughts about harming myself and her.
“That May Bank Holiday I rang the crisis line for help and I was admitted to the mother and baby unit for a couple of weeks and then had specialist perinatal community mental health support for a further 18 months.
“The psychologist and psychiatrist who supported me literally saved my life,” added Jess. “I would not be here today without them.”
Jess is now well and enjoying being a mum. Her message to other new mums is: “Don’t ever be ashamed to ask for help. It’s normal to have these feelings. Some people love being a mum, others struggle, to varying degrees. Perinatal services are there to help you. Reach out and ask for help for you and your child.”
You can watch Jess’ story on YouTube (opens in new window).
For more information about our perinatal mental health services, please give us a call on:
- Phone Rotherham: 03000 215209
- Phone Doncaster: 03000 211839
The pre and post natal depression advise service (PANDAS) Foundation (opens in new window) is a brilliant charity that offers awareness and support around perinatal mental health.
If you want to find out more about Jess’ experience she has written a couple of blogs:
- postnatal depression and me, breaking the taboo (opens in new window)
- postnatal depression and me, 4 years on (opens in new window)
Published: January 16, 2025
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