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Workforce equality impact assessment (EIA)

1 Details

Equality impact assessment details
Detail Answer
Care group or corporate services: People and organisational development directorate
Name of service or title of policy or strategy, name of event: HR policies
Equality impact assessment undertaken by: People and OD Management team
Type: Policy
Date: 20 February 2024

2 Questions

2.1 What are the main aims and purposes of the policy, service, or strategy or event

To support and enable the delivery of the overall RDaSH vision, mission, values and strategic goals and as a key enabler to support quality service delivery and transformation, in accordance with the organisational strategy and the 28 promises.

To provide written guidance for employees and managers on how to handle a range of employment issues. To provide consistency and transparency for employees and managers helping to enhance the psychological contract and create a positive organisational culture.

The policies develop as psychologically safe culture within the trust, ensuring compliance with legislation, terms and conditions and best practice. The policies also support the delivery of the NHS People Plan.

2.2 Who is involved in delivering the service, implementing the policy, strategy or organising the event

The RDaSH workforce which consists of employees, workers, students and volunteers, supported by our patients.

2.3 What information, data or experience can you draw on to provide an indication of the potential inclusive or exclusive results of delivering this service or event or implementing the policy or strategy

  • Organisational strategy.
  • 28 promises.
  • Workforce equality data.
  • Staff survey data.
  • FTSU data.
  • Ask me anything or staff drop in sessions facilitated by the Executive team.
Impact on different groups
Protected characteristics Impact Evidence for impact
Age Positive and negative Change management policy, annual leave and general public holidays policy and the sickness absence policy.

There is a positive and negative impact in relation to pay protection, redundancy, annual leave, retirement benefits and sickness pay entitlements as these are linked to the length of NHS service.

All other policies are consistent in their approach regardless of an employee’s age

Disability Positive and negative The trust is a member of the mindful employer scheme.

The HR policies and procedures ensure that all necessary work place risk assessments are undertaken and any reasonable adjustments made.

There is a possible negative impact for selection criteria for redundancy. Attendance records may be taken into consideration. Due account will need to be taken for any absences linked to disability

Gender reassignment Positive The HR policies are consistent in their approach regardless of gender identity
Marriage and civil partnership Positive The HR policies are consistent in their approach regardless of marital or civil partnership status
Pregnancy and maternity Positive and negative The change management and management of sickness absence policies offer further protection for employees in these categories.

However the annual leave policy allows only statutory carry over provisions into a new financial year which will have a negative impact on employees who are pregnant or on maternity leave. This is however, in line with current employment legislation

Race Positive The HR policies are consistent in their approach regardless of their race
Religion or belief Positive and negative The HR policies are consistent in their approach regardless of their religion or belief.

In respect of the annual leave policy, where a request is made to attend a religious event the manager should consider how they are best able to meet the request.

Deviation from the dress code policy due to religious considerations must be agreed with the relevant parties which may include the line manager, the Infection, Prevention and Control team, the human resources department and the Health and Safety team

Sex Positive The HR policies are consistent in their approach to sex and does not tolerate gender specific discrimination
Sexual orientation Positive The HR policies are consistent in their approach regardless of their sexual orientation
Disadvantaged groups Positive The HR policies are consistent in their approach regardless of being from a disadvantaged group

2.4 What positive impacts are there for this policy, service, strategy or event to better meet the needs of people with protected characteristics

The HR policies provide managers and staff with a clear framework for the management of any employee relations matters within the organisation, to ensure they are dealt with in a consistent and transparent way.

2.5 What action would be needed to ensure the policy, service, or strategy or event overcomes

  • Discriminatory negative impacts.
  • Exclusion.

Failure to meet the needs of people from across the protected characteristics and opportunities for promoting equality and inclusion are maximised.

Ensure all HR policies are consistently applied whilst taking into account individual needs and circumstances. Ensuring compliance of current employment legislation and ensuring liaison with trade unions or staff side representatives.

2.6 Recommended steps to avoid discrimination and ensure opportunities for promoting equality and inclusion are maximised

Steps to avoid discrimination and ensure opportunities for promoting equality and inclusion are maximised
Impact identified Action required or explanation if none taken Lead responsible for overseeing actions Timescales Costs (where applicable)
Work streams arising out of the staff survey, WRES and WDES action plan Agenda item within each care groups business meetings and CLE subs Directors Ongoing None identified
HR training Advising and guiding managers on how to implement HR policies across the trust Human resources Ongoing None identified
Policy forum To review and agree policy content in partnership with staff side representatives Human resources Ongoing None identified

2.7 What arrangements are going to be made to monitor and review the adverse impact in the future

2.7.1 How the equality impact of the policy, service, strategy, or event will be monitored

See section 7 of the individual policy.

2.7.2 Frequency of monitoring

See section 7 of the individual policy.

2.7.3 How the monitoring results will be used and where they will be published

See section 7 of the individual policy.

2.7.4 Who will be responsible for reviewing monitoring results and initiating further action where required

See section 7 of the individual policy.

2.7.5 Any changes that have been made to remove or reduce any negative impacts as a result of conducting the equality impact assessment

See section 7 of the individual policy.

2.7.6 Any action points should be included in care group or corporate action plans, with monitoring and review processes

See section 7 of the individual policy.

2.8 Is further work or consultation required?

No there is no further work or consultation required.

3 Authorisation

This equality impact assessment will need to be reviewed in line with any changes made to the policy, service, strategy, or event.

Lead authorisation
Detail Lead details
Name: Carlene Holden
Designation: Deputy Director of HR and Learning on behalf of the POD management team
Signature: Carlene Holden
Date: 20 February 2024

Page last reviewed: September 23, 2024
Next review due: September 23, 2025

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