1 Details
Detail | Answer |
Care group or corporate services: | Health informatics |
Name of service or title of policy or strategy, name of event: | Information governance and records management |
Equality impact assessment undertaken by: | Lynne Trickett, Information Governance Manager |
Type: | Policy |
Date: | 1 December 2023 |
2 Questions
2.1 What are the main aims and purposes of the policy, service, or strategy or event
These policies have been written to ensure all Rotherham, Doncaster and South Humber Foundation Trust (RDaSH) colleagues comply with the relevant legislation in relation to the provision of a trust-wide, robust service using and providing access to information, delivered in partnership with the information governance and data protection department.
2.2 Who is involved in delivering the service, implementing the policy, strategy or organising the event
Information governance and data protection department.
2.3 What information, data or experience can you draw on to provide an indication of the potential inclusive or exclusive results of delivering this service or event or implementing the policy or strategy
- UK general data protection regulation (GDPR).
- Data Protection Act (2018).
- Freedom of Information Act (2000).
- Environmental Information Regulations (2004).
- Access to Health Records Act (1990).
Protected characteristics | Impact | Evidence for impact |
Age | Positive | Can be applied equally to all categories |
Disability | Positive | Anyone can request information to be provided in certain formats, for example, braille, audio, easy read version etc. |
Gender reassignment | Positive | Can be applied equally to all categories |
Marriage and civil partnership | Positive | Can be applied equally to all categories |
Pregnancy and maternity | Positive | Can be applied equally to all categories |
Race | Positive | Anyone whose first language is not English can request information to be provided in other languages |
Religion or belief | Positive | Can be applied equally to all categories |
Sex | Positive | Can be applied equally to all categories |
Sexual orientation | Positive | Can be applied equally to all categories |
Disadvantaged groups | Positive | Special consideration can be provided where applicable or necessary |
2.4 What positive impacts are there for this policy, service, strategy or event to better meet the needs of people with protected characteristics
The information governance and data protection department will explore ways of providing requested information in formats other than in writing or by email as they arise.
2.5 What action would be needed to ensure the policy, service, or strategy or event overcomes
- Discriminatory negative impacts.
- Exclusion.
Failure to meet the needs of people from across the protected characteristics and opportunities for promoting equality and inclusion are maximised.
The trust will investigate options, as required, for providing information in braille or on audio storage devices and look at the trust’s use of interpreters with a view to providing information in languages other than English, as needed.
2.6 Recommended steps to avoid discrimination and ensure opportunities for promoting equality and inclusion are maximised
Impact identified | Lead responsible for overseeing actions |
Liaising with the patient advice and liaison service (PALS), as required, regarding the provision of information in a language other than English, in large print, braille, or audio tape. | Head of information governance or information governance manager |
2.7 What arrangements are going to be made to monitor and review the adverse impact in the future
2.7.1 How the equality impact of the policy, service, strategy, or event will be monitored
The Information Governance and Data Protection Department will consider whether it is reasonable to provide the information in a different format.
2.7.2 Frequency of monitoring
As required.
2.7.3 How the monitoring results will be used and where they will be published
Published on the information governance and data protection department’s web or intranet pages.
2.7.4 Who will be responsible for reviewing monitoring results and initiating further action where required
Head of information governance or information governance manager.
2.7.5 Any changes that have been made to remove or reduce any negative impacts as a result of conducting the equality impact assessment
Not applicable.
2.7.6 Any action points should be included in care group or corporate action plans, with monitoring and review processes
Not applicable.
2.8 Is further work or consultation required?
No there is no further work or consultation required.
3 Authorisation
This equality impact assessment will need to be reviewed in line with any changes made to the policy, service, strategy, or event.
Detail | Lead details |
Name: | Lynn Trickett |
Designation: | Information governance manager |
Signature: | L Trickett |
Date: | 14 December 2023 |
Page last reviewed: January 21, 2025
Next review due: January 21, 2026
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