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DIALOG feedback tool (easy read)

DIALOG questions

1. How satisfied are you with your mental health?

  • This is asking you how you feel about your mental health.
  • Your mental health is about having a healthy mind.
  • It is about how you think and feel.

It includes:

  • how you cope with things that are stressful
  • how you cope with things changing
  • whether you are able to manage the things that are important to you, like work or hobbies.
  • How you cope with your feelings

2. How satisfied are you with your physical health?

  • This question is asking you how you feel about your physical health.
  • Your physical health is about having a healthy body.

It includes:

  • the food that you eat, for example having a healthy diet
  • your weight
  • exercise and staying fit
  • diseases or illnesses that you have
  • any hospital or doctor’s appointments you have had
  • help you have had from specialists like the dentist or a physiotherapist

3. How satisfied are you with your situation?

  • This question is asking you how feel about your job.
  • This might be a paid job or a volunteer job.
  • This could also mean how you feel about school or college.

It includes:

  • if you enjoy your job
  • if you are able to do things that you need to do at work
  • if you are able to cope with the work you need to do
  • if you get on with people at work

4. How satisfied are you with your accommodation?

  • This question is asking you how you feel about where you live.
  • This can also mean how you feel about the ward if this is where you are living.

This might include:

  • the area you live in
  • the people you live with
  • the type of home you live in
  • if you have a choice about where you live

5. How satisfied are you with your leisure activities?

  • This question is asking you how you feel about the things you do in your free time.
  • This includes how you feel about your hobbies, exercise and spending time with your friends.

This might include:

  • if you have enough to do in your free time
  • if you enjoy the things you do in your free time
  • if you have time or energy to do things in your free time
  • if it is easy for you to do the activities you enjoy

6. How satisfied are you with your relationship with your partner or family

  • This question is asking you how you feel about the relationships you have with your family and your partner.
  • This also includes relationships with your children and your unpaid carers.

This might include:

  • if you get on well with them
  • if you feel supported by them
  • if you are able to see them when you want to
  • if you enjoy doing things together
  • if you are able to talk to them about things that are important to you
  • any difficulties in relation to your children, for example difficulties with child care

7. How satisfied are you with your friendships

This question is asking you how you feel about the relationship you have with your friends.

This might include:

  • if you have enough friends
  • how you feel about meeting new people and making new friends
  • if you get on well with your friends
  • if you feel supported by your friends
  • if you are able to see your friends when you want to
  • if you are able to talk to your friends about the things that are important to you
  • how you feel about your relationship with your befriender

8. How satisfied are you with your personal safety?

  • This question is asking you how you feel about your safety.

This might include:

  • if you feel safe in your home or on the ward
  • if you feel safe in your local area
  • if you feel safe on public transport
  • if you feel safe to go out on your own
  • if you feel worried that you might be bullied
  • any safeguarding issues you have, for example, if you feel worried that you might be abused

9. How satisfied are you with your medication?

  • This question is asking you how feel about the medicines you take.

This might include:

  • how you feel about the amount of medication you need to take
  • how you feel about the side effects of the medication you take, for example, the effect on your medication
  • if you are able to manage your medication on your own or the support you get to take your medication
  • how easily you can get your medication, for example from the pharmacy
  • if you think the medication is helping you
  • if you feel you have been given enough information about your medication

10. How satisfied are you with the practical help you receive?

  • This question is asking you how you feel about the help that you are given from staff and paid carers.

This might include help you have been given with:

  • your money
  • where you live
  • your activities
  • meeting other people
  • getting around

It might also include:

  • if you feel like you have been given enough help
  • if you feel that the help you were given has made things easier
  • if you feel like you have been given the help you asked for

11. How satisfied are you with your meetings with mental health professionals?

  • This question is asking you how you feel about the meetings you have with staff about you mental health.

This might include:

  • how you feel about the time that your meetings happen and if they happen often enough
  • if your meetings are easy to organise
  • if you think that the right members come to your meetings
  • if you are able to understand what is talked about
  • if you feel supported to say what you want to say and feel that people listen to you
  • if you feel that you talk about the things which are important to you in the meeting
  • if you feel like you understand what is going to happen next

All questions are ranked using:

  1. very unhappy
  2. unhappy
  3. quite unhappy
  4. in the middle
  5. quite happy
  6. happy
  7. very happy

Document control

  • Authorisation: Used with permission from East London NHS Foundation Trust.
  • Author: Hannah Watson (Specialist speech and language therapist and ELFT accessible information manager).

Page last reviewed: January 21, 2025
Next review due: January 21, 2026

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