It is very important to keep your teeth and gums healthy during pregnancy and after your baby is born. The health visiting service will give each baby a toothbrush, toothpaste, a Dinosaur Douglas book and an information leaflet when we see you at around three to four months old. This will be at our Let’s Eat Together session.
During and after pregnancy, changes in your hormones can affect your gums. Your gums may become swollen, inflamed, and may bleed when you brush your teeth. Take extra care to brush along the gum line and any areas where your gums are bleeding.
- Brush your teeth twice a day, in the morning and before bed.
- Use toothpaste that contains at least 1350 parts per million of fluoride to protect against tooth decay.
- Eat a healthy, balanced diet with a wide range of foods, including at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day.
- Avoid sugary snacks and drinks to lower the risk of tooth decay.
- Visit your dentist regularly and take your baby with you so they get used to the dentist from an early age.
- Teach your child good habits will help to protect their teeth throughout their life.
If you are an NHS patient, you can get free dental treatment while you are pregnant and until your baby’s first birthday.
If you need to find a dentist, please visit:
Your baby’s teeth, birth to one year
Teeth are an important part of your baby’s health. They help them to eat a healthy diet, speak clearly, and smile with confidence. Looking after your baby’s mouth is important from birth.
Your baby’s teeth begin to develop in the first few weeks of pregnancy. Their first tooth will usually come through at around six months of age.
Signs of teething:
- dribbling more than usual
- waking in the night when they have been sleeping through
- chewing or biting on hard surfaces
- flushed cheeks
- restlessness or irritability
You can buy cooling teething rings or use sugar-free pain relief medication that is suitable for babies. Speak to your pharmacist or health visitor for advice.
For more information, please visit baby teething symptoms (opens in new window).
When to start to brushing teeth
The best way to protect your baby’s teeth is to start brushing them as soon as they appear. Brush your baby’s teeth twice a day, in the morning and at night. Brushing at night can be tricky when your baby is small, so find a time that works for both of you.
Use a small-headed, soft-bristled toothbrush and check that the toothpaste contains fluoride, which helps to strengthen and protect teeth. Babies and toddlers up to three years old need toothpaste with at least 1000 parts per million (ppm) of fluoride. You can find this information on the packaging or tube.
Start with a small amount of mild-tasting toothpaste. Children aged three to six years should use a pea-sized amount of toothpaste containing 1350ppm to 1500ppm of fluoride.
Your baby does not need to rinse with water after brushing. Rinsing washes away the fluoride, making it less effective.
Using a cup or beaker
When your baby starts using a cup, it helps to develop the muscles they need for speaking and eating. You can begin offering drinks from a cup or beaker at around six months old, when you start weaning. Try to have your child using a cup all the time by their first birthday.
The best cup or beaker is one that allows the drink to flow freely when tipped upside down. Avoid cups with a valve, as these do not help your child move from sucking to sipping.
Water is the best drink for your baby’s teeth after milk. Avoid sweetened and flavoured drinks for as long as possible, and do not offer them between meals.
When introducing a cup, be patient, as spills and accidents will happen. Never leave your baby alone while drinking, as there is a risk of choking.
For more information, please visit drinks and cups for babies and toddlers (opens in new window).
Dummy use
If your baby uses a dummy, start to wean them off it when you introduce a cup at weaning. Try to have them completely dummy-free by around one-year-old. A good way to begin is by reducing the time they use a dummy and keeping it out of sight.
For more support, speak to your health visitor or dental professional.
Take care with sugar
Sugary foods and drinks throughout the day can put your child’s teeth at risk of decay. When moving onto solid foods, avoid adding sugar to homemade weaning foods. Check labels on shop-bought foods for hidden sugars, and choose sugar-free or low-sugar options whenever possible. Remember, even savoury meals and snacks can contain sugar.
Avoid giving sweet snacks and drinks between meals. Talk to relatives and childminders so that everyone follows the same approach.
Foods and drinks for babies can still contain sugar, and some baby biscuits have more sugar than regular biscuits.
Dried fruit is a healthy addition to meals but is very high in sugar, so it should not be given as a snack.
For more information, please visit your baby’s first solid foods (opens in new window).
Visiting the dentist
For other ways to find a dentist, please visit:
Alternatively you can contact:
Page last reviewed: February 25, 2025
Next review due: February 25, 2026
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