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Windermere Lodge

Meal times

  • Breakfast: 8:30am.
  • Lunch: Midday.
  • Dinner: 5pm.
  • Supper: 7:30pm.
  • Drinks and snacks will be given throughout the day.


We have two helpers who will arrange activities through the day. These can be:

  • arts and crafts
  • choir sessions
  • other fun events

They can also help you with:

  • going out shopping
  • paying bills
  • getting you home safely
  • community support

Room facilities

Patient will have their own bedroom where you can keep your belongings. They are equipped with:

  • an ensuite
  • a wardrobe
  • drawers

Common questions

When are visiting hours?

Visiting hours are 8:30am to 8:30pm. There is no need to book beforehand.

What are visiting hours on weekends and holidays?

On weekends and holidays, visiting hours are the same, if there are any changes staff will make you aware.

Can children attend visits?

No, children under 18 cannot visit. We ask that you take visitation away from the ward in these cases.

Who can you contact with concerns?

If you have any concerns or queries, you can first talk to any nursing staff who may be able to resolve the matter. They will also be able to advise on procedure and who would be best to follow up the matter with.

How can we help?

Our approach revolves around personalised care and treatment for both functional and organic diagnoses. Windermere specialises in assessment and treatment for patients with memory difficulties or dementia.

Can family, friends, or carers help with this process?

We ask that once a patient has been admitted into our care; you trust in our treatment pathways. The only input we ask you to have, is in planning future care at the point of discharge, where we will be more than happy to discuss with you.

What are you not allowed to bring to the ward?

To keep our wards as safe as possible for both our patients and staff we ask that everyone adheres to the blanket restrictions policy. If there are any further questions, please contact the ward and staff will answer any queries.

When are mealtimes?

Breakfast will be at 8am, lunch is at midday, dinner is at 5pm, and supper is at 7:30pm. Drinks and snacks will also be provided throughout the day.

Can you bring your own snacks to the ward, and where will it be kept?

Yes, you may bring your own. Non-perishables can be kept in patient bedrooms, anything else can be stored in the patient kitchen where it is labelled and secured. This can be accessed at any time, you just need to let a member of staff know.

What useful services will be available while admitted to the wards?

We have two reablement support workers who will arrange activities through the day or organise external companies to come onto the ward for events. We regularly have choirs, therapy animals, crafts days, life skills groups and cooking sessions. These staff will also help with more personal matters which may include going out shopping, help with bills and finances, transport home, washing and dressing and life skills.

What facilities are available on the ward?

Access to a dining room, communal lounge, female lounge, communal area, activity room, patient kitchen. There is also an outdoor space on the ward with seating. All Bedrooms will have their own ensuite bathroom.

When will the patient be seen by a doctor?

We aim for new admissions on the ward to be seen by a consultant within the next day. Following this, patients will be seen twice a week.

Can patients smoke?

No, the grounds are a non-smoking site. You can also access the Smoking Cessation team if you wish to stop smoking, the team visits the wards regularly.

Plan your journey

If you use public transport, the Traveline journey planner provides information about what services and times are available.

Page last reviewed: March 12, 2025
Next review due: March 12, 2026

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