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National Child Measurement Programme

The National Child Measurement Programme helps monitor childhood obesity. It is run by the Department of Health and Department for Education.

How it works

  • Children in Reception (ages 4 to 5) and Year 6 (ages 10 to 11) are measured at school.
  • Parents receive a letter before measurements take place.
  • Measurements of your child’s height, weight, vision and hearing will be completed are taken privately by trained health professionals.
  • The measurements take place in a private area at school. Children only remove their shoes and are weighed in normal clothing.
  • Results are sent to parents by post within 6 weeks with additional information and advice around healthy lifestyle choices and weight management.

Other details

  • Information is confidential and not shared with school staff or other pupils.
  • Routine data (for example, address, postcode, ethnicity) is collected to help plan NHS services.
  • Parents can opt out by returning the provided form to their school.

If you have any particular worries or concerns regarding your child’s health the School Nursing team will be happy to help and advise you, ring on 0800 019 9951.

For more information please see The National Child Measurement Programme (opens in new window).

Hearing and vision screening in school

Your child will also have a separate hearing and vision screening. You will receive a letter with the results, brought home by your child. If follow-up care is needed, additional advice will be provided.

The purpose and process of screening of hearing in children at school entry

All children in their first year of full-time school will be offered a hearing screening, with parental consent. Early detection of hearing problems helps ensure the best possible outcomes for children.

Purpose of the screening:

  • Identify progressive or late-onset sensory-neural hearing loss
  • Detect persisting conductive hearing loss

How the screening is carried out:

  • conducted in a quiet, well-lit room in school
  • equipment is checked to ensure accurate results
  • the screener explains the process, so the child understands what to do
  • results are recorded, and parents receive a slip with the outcome
  • additional advice or support is provided if needed

To learn more, please see hearing tests (opens in new window).

Plan your journey

If you use public transport, the Traveline journey planner provides information about what services and times are available.

Page last reviewed: March 11, 2025
Next review due: March 11, 2026

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