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Admission of the bariatric patient quick guide

  1. On admission (or via a pre-admission handover regarding additional needs).
  2. Must assessment, to confirm weight (and if possible, hip circumference) functional independence measure (FIM) score if known.

If below 160kg, non-bariatric

If below 160kg non-bariatric, follow usual admission processes.

If 160kg or above, confirmed bariatric needs

  1. Colleagues to risk assess the following:
    • patient, moving and handling, mobility, bed rails, pressure care, hydration and nutrition, continence, falls risk, FIM
    • environment, risk assess the ward environment is there enough space for additional equipment, safe patient handling, suitable flooring for use hoists, toilet access or commode
    • can reasonable adjustments be made
    • safe staffing, consider numbers, skill mix, training, experience. Is there access to colleagues from other ward areas, see the safer staffing policy
    • transportation, portering or conveyance risks
  2. Does specialist equipment need to be sourced, for example, hoists, wheelchair, slings, commode, walking aids, beds, armchair, pressure mattress, glide sheets. Note, may need to outsource and hire specific equipment contact the supplier ARJO first call. Consider linking with falls leads and Manual Handling team for support. The safe working load of all equipment must be considered for meeting the bariatric patients needs. Colleagues training or competence must also be considered at this point with respect to the equipment being ordered.
  3. If the patient has complex needs which cannot be safely met, alternative arrangements such as nursing the patient in their own home should be considered. Escalate to service manager or matron.
  4. If a safe admission can be supported:
    • ensure care planning is detailed to the specific needs and risks associated with the care of the bariatric patient’s needs
    • ensure there is a fire evacuation plan in place for this patient especially if they are immobile
    • inform the Manual Handling team of the bariatric patient admission
    • multi-disciplinary team (MDT) to adapt and modify the care planning as needs to be. Involve manual handling key trainer, physiotherapists, occupational therapists

Page last reviewed: December 24, 2024
Next review due: December 24, 2025

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