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Fingerprint access system (FAS) Amber Lodge procedure


1 Aim

The aim of this document is to ensure that the fingerprint access system (FAS) currently in operation on Amber Lodge, low secure unit, is managed effectively and robustly monitored. This system facilitates secure access to, movement within and exit from Amber Lodge so it is essential that it is fully functioning.

2 Scope

This document applies specifically to the forensic service and provides procedural guidance for use of colleagues working in this service including agency, bank and students.

3 Link to overarching policy, and or procedure

This procedure is overarched by the forensic services manual and should be read in conjunction with the:

4 Procedure or implementation

4.1 Assessment and inclusion criteria for all colleagues

All colleagues, both new and existing, will be individually assessed in relation to their requirements to access Amber Lodge using the FAS against the following criteria:

  • is the individual employed by the forensic service or the trust, for example domestic, pharmacy or estates?
  • does the individual require regular access to Amber Lodge?
  • is there a clear rationale why the individual needs regular access to Amber Lodge?
  • has the individual attended security awareness training (SAT)?

4.2 Approved access to FAS

If the colleague meets the above criteria complete form A (appendix B) and send to the ward manager for approval. Documentation must be collated for all colleagues and authorised to have access to the system.

4.3 Gaining access to FAS

On receipt of form A one of the designated security team leads will complete the procedure of inputting the colleagues’ fingerprints onto the FAS system. Once the fingerprint is stored this will enable the colleagues to access and egress from Amber Lodge.

On completion of this process a copy of form A will be placed on the colleagues personal file and their name added to the approved colleague list, form C (appendix D).

4.4 Removal from the FAS

Colleagues can be removed from the FAS for a number, or reasons, for example, leaving employment with the forensic service; no longer requiring regular access to Amber Lodge or suspension from service. This is not an exhaustive list and decisions for removal will be individualised.

Following a decision to remove a colleague from the list, the ward manager will instruct a member of the nominated security team leads to complete the removal process from the computer system. The security lead will complete form B (appendix C) and update form C. In addition to this the original form A must be scored through and signed for and returned to the ward manager for the colleagues personal file. FAS access will be reviewed monthly by the security team form D (appendix D).

4.5 Training

Induction training is provided for all security leads to be able to add and remove colleagues from FAS.

5 Procedure for accessing Amber Lodge using the fingerprint system

  • Place your allocated finger on the fingerprint reader outside the main entrance.
  • Once the reader has successfully registered your fingerprint, it will bleep twice and the door will be released from the magnets allowing you to push the door open.
  • Once through the door access your personal alarm by entering the code into the storage panel and remove an alarm tag. Ensure the alarm tag is fully charged, flashing green following the green button being pressed. Attach the alarm to your person.
  • Use the internal fingerprint reader to the left of the ward door to gain access to the main ward in the same way as the entrance to the building.
  • Once on the ward go directly to the colleague locker rooms and place all personal belongings, including all restricted and prohibited items, into the lockers provided.

From the colleague locker room proceed to the key tracker room and follow the procedural guidance as detailed in the accessing keys from the key tracker system, Amber Lodge procedure.

6 Procedure for leaving the building

  • When leaving the building follow the guidance in the accessing Keys from the key tracker system to ensure safe return of all keys, Amber Lodge procedural document.
  • Retrieve personal possessions from colleague locker rooms.
  • Enter airlock utilising the fingerprint readers by the door.
  • Return personal alarm fobs to the panel.
  • Leave the building utilising the fingerprint reader to the left of the door.

7 Contingency plan in the event of failure of the FAS

In the event that the FAS fails to work, either for an individual or if the full system fails, colleagues are to revert to accessing the areas of Amber Lodge manually with keys. Access and egress to the unit will be managed by the reception colleagues or if out of hours an identified security lead will be nominated to fulfil these duties.

Any failure of the FAS must be escalated through the line management structure and reported for repair as a matter of urgency.

8 Appendices

Please see forensic services manual webpage for appendices attached to this procedure.

  • Appendix B Approved access to FAS form A.
  • Appendix C Removal from FAS system form B.
  • Appendix D Audit approved access to FAS form C.

Document control

  • Version: 3.
  • Unique reference number: 528.
  • Approved by: Clinical policies review and approval group.
  • Date approved: 5 March 2024.
  • Name of originator or author: Forensic ward manager.
  • Name of responsible individual: Executive director of nursing and allied health professionals.
  • Date issued: 4 April 2024.
  • Review date: 30 April 2027.
  • Target audience: All colleagues working in the forensic service.
  • Description of change: Full review with addition of section 4.5.

Page last reviewed: November 14, 2024
Next review due: November 14, 2025

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