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PSED annual review 2023


  1. Introduction
  2. The public sector equality duty (PSED)
  3. Equality delivery system (EDS2022)
  4. Gender pay gap report
  5. Our people and our communities
  6. EDI activity 2022 to 2023
  7. Equality diversity and inclusion objectives and priorities
  8. Equality objectives 2021 to 2024
  9. Conclusion
  10. Equality delivery system (EDS) report
  11. Equality and diversity monitoring information

1 Introduction

Rotherham, Doncaster and South Humber NHS Trust is a diverse employer and provider of services across Rotherham, Doncaster and Scunthorpe. Our aim is to create a culture of inclusion where everyone feels valued and respected for who they are and what they bring to our organisation. Our equality, diversity and inclusion activity is linked to the NHS people plan, the trust’s people plan and strategic objectives.

Our public sector equality duty (PSED) report highlights the progress we have made in the year of 2023. The last year and indeed 2022, has been one of the most challenging times to operate, but it has further raised the importance of equality, inclusion and diversity at a time when a global pandemic has brought underlying issues to the forefront.

The services we provided during 2022/2023 in the different localities:

1.1 Rotherham

  • adult mental health
  • children’s services
  • learning disabilities
  • older people’s mental health

1.2 Doncaster

  • adult mental health
  • children’s services
  • community integrated services
  • learning disabilities
  • forensic services
  • older people’s mental health
  • drug and alcohol services

1.3 North Lincolnshire

  • adult mental health
  • children’s services
  • community learning disabilities
  • older people’s mental health

1.4 RDaSH’s refreshed strategy 2021 to 2023

The strategic plan focuses on our patients, carers, public and colleagues and is a mix of strategic and operational planning to cover the next two years and shows what we are aiming to deliver during that time. We will be focusing heavily on improving safety and quality, you (our people), improving access to our services for patients and improving leadership from “ward to board: board to ward”.

Our plan sets out:

  • why we are here, we want to lead the way with our care
  • what we want to do, our four strategic ambitions
  • how we are going to do it, our seven strategic objectives

These are shown below in our easy-to-understand image.

Leading the way with care diagram, detailed below

What this image shows is that we have 4 strategic ambitions made up of 7 strategic objectives:

1.4.1 Strategic ambition 1, safe and effective

  • Strategic objective 1, improve the safety and quality of care provided at all times, based on good practice.
  • Strategic objective 2, improve the quality of assessment, care planning and record keeping.
  • Strategic objective 3, deliver response to COVID-19 pandemic.

1.4.2 Strategic ambition 2, people

  • Strategic objective 4, ensure the right people with the right skills deliver care.

1.4.3 Strategic ambition 3, accessible

  • Strategic objective 5, reduce waiting times for patients.

1.4.4 Strategic ambition 4, organisation and partnerships

  • Strategic objective 6, improve governance of the trust.
  • Strategic objective 7, improve leadership from board to ward.

Our people and organisational development strategy has been developed to support our RDaSH refreshed strategy 2021 to 2023. It is aligned with the integrated care system’s workforce strategies, NHS people plan and the NHS 10 year plan.

The two-year plan is focused on our people being empowered, skilled, engaged and responsive and has such principles as equality, diversity and inclusion at its heart. The focus ensures colleague and patient experience are constantly monitored to foster a positive culture which is responsive and supportive should problems be detected and ensure good is shared all in line with our values.

1.5 The general equality duty

The equality act 2010 introduced a general equality duty requiring organisations to have due regard in the exercising of their functions. The duties are outlined in section 149 of the act as follows:

  • eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment, victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the act
  • advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not
  • foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not

This will be achieved by:

  • removing or minimising disadvantages suffered by people due to their protected characteristics
  • taking steps to meet the needs of people from protected groups where these are different from the needs of other people
  • encouraging people from protected groups to participate in public life or in other activities where their participation is disproportionately low
  • the steps involved in meeting the needs of disabled persons that are different from the needs of persons who are not disabled include steps to take account of disabled persons’ disabilities
  • having due regard to the need to foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it involves having due regard to the need to tackle prejudice and promote understanding

The protected characteristics covered by the equality act are:

  • age
  • disability
  • gender
  • gender reassignment
  • race
  • religion or belief
  • sexual orientation
  • marriage or civil partnership
  • pregnancy and maternity

2 The public sector equality duty (PSED)

The public sector equality duty (PSED), which came into force on 6 April 2011, places additional specific duties on public authorities including NHS trusts. Two such duties are a requirement on public authorities to:

  1. publish sufficient information to demonstrate compliance with the general equality duty by 31 January 2012 and thereafter annually
  2. prepare and publish 1 or more equality objectives by 6 April 2012 and no more than four years thereafter.

The published information is to include:

  • information on the effect that policies and practices have had on employees, service users and others from the protected groups
  • evidence of the analysis undertaken to establish whether their policies and practices will (or have) furthered the three equality aims in the general equality duty
  • details of information used in that analysis
  • details of engagement with people with an interest in the aims of the duty

3 Equality delivery system (EDS2) (formerly EDS2)

The Equality Delivery System (EDS) is a system that helps NHS organisations improve the services they provide for their local communities and provide better working environments, free of discrimination, for those who work in the NHS, while meeting the requirements of the Equality Act 2010. The EDS was developed by the NHS, for the NHS, taking inspiration from existing work and good practice.

A review of the EDS2 was undertaken to incorporate system changes and take account of the new system architecture. Through collaboration and co-production and considering the impact of COVID-19, the EDS has been updated and EDS 2022 is now available for live testing during 2022/2023.

EDS 2022 is a generic system designed for both NHS commissioners and NHS providers. As different systems apply EDS 2022 outcomes to their performance, NHS organisations should do so with regard to their specific roles and responsibilities.

EDS 2022 implementation by NHS provider organisations is mandatory in the NHS standard contract. EDS 2022 implementation will continue to be a key requirement for all NHS commissioners.

RDaSH have completed the initial pilot for 2022/2023 for two services this can be found in appendix A.

4 Gender pay gap report

In accordance with the equality act 2010 (gender pay gap information) regulations 2017, employers with 250 or more employees are required to publish information on the pay gap between male and female employees as of 31 March each year. This information must be published on the employer’s website.

The gender pay gap report is based on a snapshot date of pay of 31 March 2022. Our data can be compared to other organisations by using the government gender pay gap reporting portal (opens in a new window).

The analysis of the trust’s gender pay gap data informs our gender pay gap action plan which has been created to address the disparities. Our data shows an improvement compared to previous years but indicates areas where improvements are required.

The gender pay gap is different to equal pay. Equal pay relates to men and women receiving equal pay for equal work. The gender pay gap is a measure of any disparity in pay between the average earnings of male and female employees.

5 Our people and our communities

The people of RDaSH and the people who access our services are diverse and we are striving to understand the diversity of our people and the best and most appropriate way to meet their needs. As an organisation we are continually working towards creating a knowledge base which supports our people and communities.

In this section we provide internal information regarding our people, this data is accurate as at September 2022. This information supports further analysis and the implementation of interventions to ensure that equity is given to all our people, they represent the communities
we serve and diversity is supported throughout the organisation.

Census details are taken from the 2021 National Census.

Census data 2021
Ethnic origin Doncaster Rotherham North Lincolnshire
White 93.1% 91.0% 94.3%
Mixed 1.5% 1.4% 1.1%
Asian 2.9% 5.3% 3.3%
Black 1.2% 1.1% 0.5%
Other 1.2% 1.1% 0.8%

The population of the localities we serve has a high representation of people who have defined their ethnic origin as white, our workforce demographics is reflective of this. Comparing population demographics with internal demographics shows that the trust is under-represented from people with ‘mixed’ and ‘Asian’ ethnic origins but over-represented from people who have a ‘black’ ethnic origin. The trust’s workforce race equality action plan addresses areas to improve these statistics.

The trust provides services in Rotherham, Doncaster and North Lincolnshire. Therefore, the Office for National Statistics data used for benchmarking in this report will be the average population data for those areas as detailed in the 2021 census information and is demonstrated in the table above.

5.1 Age

5.1.1 The age of the population served by the trust

The 2021 census indicated that there are slightly more women than men. In age groups 50 to 64 there are slightly more men than women but in older age groups there are more women than men because life expectancy for women is slightly better than for men.

Age ranges changed in the 2021 census:

Population age range
Age range Doncaster Rotherham North Lincolnshire
16 to 19 4.1% 4.3% 4.1%
20 to 24 5.3% 5.3% 4.8%
25 to 34 13.6% 13.0% 12.0%
35 to 49 18.4% 18.4% 17.6%
50 to 64 20.6% 20.5% 21.8%
65 to 74 10.7% 10.6% 11.9%
75 to 84 6.3% 6.7% 7.3%
85 and over 2.4% 2.3% 2.8%

5.1.2 Age of people who work in RDaSH

The number of younger people working in our services has remained the same for 16 to 20 age range however, there was an increase in the 21 to 25 age group. The number of staff over 60 and 66 and over has increased since 2021. The percentage of staff in the 46 to 50 has significantly decreased and the 51 to 55 age group has also slightly increased. Other age groups remain relatively static.

Staff in post by age as of 30 September
Age range 2021
total %
total %
16 to 20 7 0.19% 7 0.2%
21 to 25 182 5.11% 208 5.6%
26 to 30 363 10.2% 394 10.6%
31 to 35 369 10.37% 410 11%
36 to 40 425 11.95% 448 12%
41 to 45 376 10.57% 422 11.4%
46 to 50 462 12.99% 32 11.6%
51 to 55 501 14.08% 510 13.7%
56 to 60 503 14.14% 500 13.4%
61 to 65 303 8.52% 328 8.8%
66+ 51 1.43% 62 1.7%
71 and above 14 0.39% Not applicable Not applicable
Total 3,556 100% 3,721 100%

5.2 Disability

Disability of our local population (Census 2021)
Disability Doncaster Rotherham North Lincolnshire
Disabled in some capacity 20.4% 21.3% 19.0%

5.2.1 Disability and people who work in our trust

In March 2020 the first national workforce disability equality standard (WDES) report was published. This allowed us for the first time to compare areas of workforce disability to a national picture. Our organisation published its fourth WDES report in August 2022 and this
is published separately.

Although our declaration rates are relatively good, they have remained static despite a specific focus on this area in 2021/2022 including producing guidance for staff about how to change their record using the electronic staff record (ESR) self-service. The WDES average of declared disability in the national report is broken down by clinical and non-clinical and indicates that 3.6% of non-clinical and 2.9% of clinical staff declared disability with a range across organisations.

Our organisation figure of 6.2% (for all staff) in 2022 which is relatively positive. The number of staff who have declared they have a disability has increased since 2021 (increase of 0.8%).

Staff in post by disability as of 30 September
Disability 2021
total %
total %
Yes 193 5.4% 229 6.2%
No 2,561 72% 2,691 72.3%
Not declared 802 22.6% 792 21.2%
Prefer not to answer 0 0% 9 0.2%
Total 3,556 100% 3,721 100%

In 2022 the trust received 866 applications (7.2%) from applicants with a disability, of which 439 (5.8%) were shortlisted of the 439 shortlisted, 33 (10.1%) were offered positions and started with the trust.

In 2021 the trust received 492 applications (6.9%) from applicants with a disability, of which 237 (48.2 %) were shortlisted of the 237 shortlisted, 21 (4.2%) were offered positions and started with the trust.

5.3 Protected characteristic of sex

Sex and gender are different and only some of the data we are able to collect will have been collected based on gender, where there may not be an option other than male or female.

The 2021 census indicated that overall, there were slightly more women in the communities we serve than men.

Population by gender (2021 National census)
Gender Doncaster Rotherham North Lincolnshire
Male 49.6% 49.0% 49.3%
Female 50.4% 51.0% 50.7%

5.3.1 The gender of people in our trust

The breakdown of employees by gender remains at a rounded figure of 84% women and 16% men. There is no option in the national electronic staff record to record ‘other’ at the moment however we understand that a change to this is being planned, as soon as this is
available, we will provide information to our staff so they can change their details if they wish.

Staff in post by gender as at 30 Sep
Gender 2021
total %
total %
Female 2,980 83.8% 3,131 84.1%
Male 576 16.2% 590 15.9%
Total 3,556 100% 3,721 100%

Each year we produce and publish a full report and action plan on the gender pay gap and our last report that contained data for 2022 was published in March 2023. Our data can be compared to other organisations by using the government gender pay gap reporting portal (opens in a new window) and our gender pay gap report can be found on our website.

5.4 Sexual orientation

5.4.1 Sexual orientation of the population

Census 2021 was the first census to provide estimates of gender identity, and so while there are no previous directly comparable estimates available, the estimates are considered broadly in line with other data on gender identity.

The Office of National Statistic (ONS) published updated data on sexual orientation (opens in a new window) in May 2022. This  reported that the proportion of the UK population aged 16 years and over identifying as heterosexual or straight was 93.6% in 2020; there has been a decreasing trend since the series began in 2014.

An estimated 3.1% of the UK population aged 16 years and over identified as lesbian, gay or bisexual (LGB) in 2020, an increase from 2.7% in 2019 and almost double the percentage from 2014 (1.6%).

The proportion of men in the UK identifying as LGB increased from 1.9% to 3.4% between 2014 and 2020; the proportion of women identifying as LGB has risen from 1.4% to 2.8% over the same period.

People aged 16 to 24 years continue to be the most likely to identify as LGB in 2020 (8.0%) reflecting an increasing trend for this age group since 2014; this breaks down to 2.7% identifying as gay or lesbian, and 5.3% identifying as bisexual.

In 2020, women (1.6%) were more likely than men (0.9%) to identify as bisexual but were less likely to identify as gay or lesbian (1.1% compared with 2.5%); these differences between men and women are more pronounced in the younger age groups.

Among those identifying as LGB in 2020, almost three-quarters (72.5%) had never been married or in a civil partnership, while just under one-quarter were married or in a civil partnership (23.7%); this may reflect the younger age structure of the LGB population and that the legislation for same-sex civil partnerships and same-sex marriage is relatively recent.

5.4.2 Sexual orientation of people who work in our trust

The profile of the trust in relation to sexual orientation has remained relatively unchanged since 2021, apart from the increase of 2.8% increase in heterosexual or straight and a positive shift of 3.2% in “Undisclosed” which was a new category introduced in 2020.

Staff in post by sexual orientation as at 30 Sep
Sexual orientation 2021



total %




total %

Gay or lesbian 46 1.3% 51 1.4%
Heterosexual or straight 2,545 71.6% 2,767 74.4%
Bi-sexual 18 0.5% 29 0.8%
Other 4 0.1% 5 0.1%
Undecided 3 0.1% 6 0.1%
Undisclosed 940 26.4% 863 23.2%
Total 3,556 100% 3,721 100%

23.2% of people employed within RDaSH have not shared their sexual orientation status and although work was undertaken and the figure has improved, we still have further work to do around equality monitoring to address this issue and encourage and support colleagues to feel comfortable and confident in doing this.

In 2022 the Trust received 593 (5%) of job applications from applicants who were not ‘heterosexual’ or ‘undisclosed’ compared to 552 (7.3%) applications in 2021. Of the 593 applicants, 348 (4.6%) were shortlisted compared to 177 (6.6%) in 2021. Of the 348 shortlisted, 14 (4.2%) of people started with the trust which is a decrease of 0.7% from 2021.

Within the employee relations section (disciplinary, grievance and harassment), there are no issues highlighted in relation to gender.

5.5 Race

5.5.1 Ethnicity of the people who work in our trust

The table below shows the percentages of staff by ethnicity who are employed by the trust. Arab and Gypsy or Irish Traveller are not available in the NHS electronic staff record (ESR) which is why there is no figure for these two groups. More detail can be found in the workforce race equality standard report published in August 2022.

100% of trust staff have their ethnicity recorded on ESR. The 51 staff under the “Not Known” category are staff who do not wish to declare their ethnic origin. The trust continues to encourage staff to update their data on ESR and this has resulted in a decrease of ‘Not Known’ from September 2021.

New starter information, including ethnicity, is now automatically downloaded from successful applicants’ application forms from NHS jobs to ESR which significantly improves the data capture of equality and diversity information.

Staff in post by ethnic origin as at 30 Sep 2022
Category Male Female Total Total %
White 522 2,926 3,448 92.66%
White, British 505 2,860 3,365 90.43%
White, Irish 4 8 12 0.32%
White, Any other White Background 13 58 71 1.91%
Mixed 7 30 37 1.00%
Mixed, White and Black Caribbean 1 11 12 0.32%
Mixed, White and Black African 1 3 4 0.11%
Mixed, White and Asian 3 4 7 0.19%
Mixed, Any other mixed background 2 12 14 0.38%
Asian 24 55 79 2.12%
Asian or Asian British, Indian 14 27 41 1.10%
Asian or Asian British, Pakistani 5 12 1 0.46%
Asian or Asian British, Bangladeshi 0 3 3 0.08%
Asian or Asian British, Any other Asian background 5 11 16 0.43%
Chinese 0 2 2 0.05%
Black 22 81 103 2.77%
Black or Black British, Caribbean 4 14 18 0.48%
Black or Black British, African 15 63 78 2.10%
Black or Black British, Any other Black background 3 4 7 0.19%
Other 0 3 3 0.08%
Any other ethnic group 0 3 3 0.08%
Not known 15 36 51 1.37%
Not stated 15 36 51 1.37%
Total 590 3,131 3,721 100%

The trust provides services in Rotherham, Doncaster and North Lincolnshire. Therefore, the Office for National Statistics data used for benchmarking in this report will be the average population data for those areas as detailed in the 2021 census information.

This is as follows:

Census population race percentage
Category Doncaster Rotherham North Lincolnshire
White 93.1% 91% 94.3%
Mixed 1.5% 1.4% 1.1%
Asian 2.9% 5.3% 3.3%
Black 1.2% 1.1% 0.5%
Other 1.2% 1.1% 0.8%

5.6 Religion or belief

Religion or belief is a protected characteristic and this includes people who have no belief.

Population religious belief census percentage
Category Doncaster Rotherham North Lincolnshire
Christianity 50.9% 49% 52.1%
Buddhism 0.3% 0.2% 0.2%
Hinduism 0.4% 0.3% 0.2%
Judaism 0% 0% 0%
Muslim 2.2% 5.1% 2.5%
Sikhism 0.5% 0.2% 0.3%
Other 0.6% 0.4% 0.4%
None 39.8% 39.8% 38.6%
Undisclosed 5.3% 5.2% 5.5%
Staff in post by religious belief
Category 2021 2022
Atheism 14% 15.6%
Buddhism 0.4% 0.1%
Christianity 43.4% 43.2%
Hinduism 0.4% 0.4%
Islam 0.8% 0.8%
Judaism 0% 0%
Sikhism 0% 0%
Other 0.4% 0.3%
Undisclosed 8.3% 9%

As seen in the table above, the percentage of staff in each of the religious belief categories has remained relatively static between 2021 and 2022. The “staff in post” percentage figures are comparable with the national census figures apart from the low number of “Islam” and high number of “undisclosed”.

In 2022 the trust received 1472 applications from applicants who indicated their religious belief was non-Christian (12.2%), not including “atheism”, “other” or “undisclosed”. Of those, 1148 were shortlisted (15.3%) and 6 joined the Trust as new starters (1.8%).

In 2021 the trust received 461 (6.5%) applications from applicants who indicated their religious belief was non-Christian, not including “atheism”, “other” or “undisclosed”. Of those, 71 were shortlisted (17%) and 7 joined the trust as new starters (9.9%).

There were no issues raised with the trust in relation to discrimination from any of the leavers.

Within the employee relations section (disciplinary, grievance and harassment), there are no issues highlighted in relation to religious belief.

6 EDI activity 2022 to 2023

The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) team has hosted a variety of engagement events and training sessions and given the restraints of limited resources during 2022/2023 we continued to meet the needs of colleagues via virtual platforms. The Inclusion Networks have also continued to meet in a hybrid fashion in order to give members the opportunity of choice to attend face-to-face or virtually. Members of the Inclusion Networks have supported events for Black History, Disability and LGBTQ+ months and have been proactive with influencing work in the trust with reviewing language in policies and have a clear plan of objectives for the next 18 months.

6.1 EDI workstream

The purpose of the EDI Workstream is to ensure that the Trust is complying with the Equality Act 2010, implementing mandatory and statutory requirements. This includes ensuring that the work required to adhere to the above is embedded throughout the organisation.

The workstream has oversight of all operational EDI work identifying issues for colleagues and leaders and then issues are analysed and resolved working collaboratively to find solutions. It has an oversight of all activity and will share and implement solutions from a diverse range of contributors.

6.2 Reverse mentoring programme

As part of the trust’s commitment to develop an inclusive culture, we have developed an equality, diversity and inclusion reverse mentoring programme. Reverse mentoring aims to educate leaders in diversity issues and expose them to challenging dialogue which they might not otherwise encounter.

The purpose of the programme is to promote understanding of equality, diversity and inclusion issues, and to provide opportunities for those in protected groups to challenge and influence the trust based on their lived experiences.

Mentees for cohort 2 were members of our trust board.

Mentors for cohort 2 were colleagues from our workforce who have a disability or long-term health condition.

6.2.1 Outcomes

The principal outcomes and objectives from the scheme will be:

6.3 Rainbow Badge training

The Rainbow Badge initiative has a simple objective to make a positive difference by promoting a message of inclusion. The badge itself is intended to be a simple visual symbol identifying its wearer as someone who an LGBTQ+ person can feel comfortable talking to about issues relating to sexuality or gender identity. It shows that the wearer is there to listen without judgement and signpost to further support if needed.

There have been 4 Rainbow Badge sessions held throughout 2022 with a total of 93 attendees.

6.4 Working with Transgender and gender diverse communities

Online professional level education and training sessions designed to increase the knowledge and concepts of gender identity and gender expression, and the diverse ways in which these can manifest. Through increased understanding, medical and health providers, hospital and medical clinics, and all other care providers who work with or provide services for those who are transgender and, or gender non-conforming can advance their skills in addressing the needs of these diverse populations.

There have been 5 sessions held throughout 2022 with a total of 115 attendees.

6.5 Unconscious bias

We recognise that unconscious bias training should not be used as an isolated intervention to enable people to explore their values, beliefs and behaviour. This training is a small but important part of a number of improvement initiatives aimed at increasing self-awareness and creating an inclusive culture.

The training provided through our membership with the Employers Network for Equality and Inclusion (ENEI) aims to:

There have been 3 sessions held throughout 2022 with a total of 65 attendees.

6.6 Cultural competence training

People who use our services and our colleagues come from many different backgrounds and to be able to better understand this ENEI deliver our Cultural Competence training. It covers:

There has been 3 sessions held in 2022 with a total of 37 attendees.

6.7 Neurodiversity in the workplace for managers

RDaSH recognises the benefits of having a diverse workforce and that embracing difference improves performance. This workshop is aimed at increasing manager’s understanding of neurodiversity and the benefits it brings to the workplace and service delivery. It covers:

There have been 3 sessions held throughout 2022 with a total of 27 attendees.

6.8 Developing a disability confident culture

There have been 3 sessions held throughout 2022 with a total of 19 attendees.

6.9 Staff networks

The trust has three Inclusion Networks, LGBTQ+, Disability and Wellbeing (DAWN) and Race and Cultural Heritage network (REaCH). These networks are important platforms of support for colleagues which carry out trust business and inform on inclusive practices. The chairs of the networks hold a position on the trust’s EDI workstream which has operational over view of EDI within the trust.

The inclusion networks offer an effective mechanism for engaging and supporting colleagues from protected characteristic backgrounds, they act as a forum for colleagues to discuss their experiences, provide insight into unseen barriers, devise solutions to help improve the experiences of those colleagues and others and offer peer support.

The network as a collective can be utilised to manage and harness the potential of an increasingly diverse workforce and inform and improve practices influencing both colleagues and patient care. The network offers a supportive and safe space to have discussions on issues affecting our diverse colleagues. It also provides networking opportunities to colleagues who may not traditionally have access to wider network links.

The implementation of Inclusion networks has supported RDaSH in creating a culture of inclusivity and demonstrates to colleagues, service users, relatives and carers that RDaSH treats everyone with respect and dignity and values who they are and their contribution. Research shows that a motivated, included and valued workforce supports the delivery of high-quality care, increased patient satisfaction and improved patient safety.

6.10 Talent management and succession planning

The NHS People Plan sets out the support people can expect from the NHS as a modern employer. This is framed around the broad themes of creating a healthy, inclusive, and compassionate culture, enabling great development and offering fulfilling careers, where everyone feels they have voice, control, and influence. All organisations are required to contribute to ICS people plans and prepare to engage in a system wide approach to talent management and succession planning.

The NHS People Plan emphasises the importance of a positive and inclusive culture and the need to urgently intensify our efforts to ensure our teams and organisations, particularly the senior leadership of the NHS, demonstrably reflect the diversity of the communities that they serve by making progress against the 10-year leadership equality ambition that reflects the Prime Minister’s pledge around race equality.

The RDaSH talent management programme was launched in March 2021 with a communications countdown, a dedicated intranet page, briefing sessions at care group meetings and workshops for managers. During the summer months all staff had the opportunity to find out more about the programme by responding to a range of articles, posts and a video promoted through trust communications and on the IHub (information hub.) An “Ask me Anything” event was held led by the People and Organisational Development Director, Nicola McIntosh.

Identified priority groups for action including colleagues from ethnic diverse groups. Career workshops have been held with 14 workshops for managers (91 attendees) and 6 workshops for colleagues (55 attendees) with a further 9 training sessions booked for future dates. Career conversations continue with a target of 188 staff focusing on 42 from target audience (Band 5 nurses or reach). Talent panels have commenced.

Ethnically diverse and disabled colleagues have been offered career and interview skills coaching through their staff network groups. To date 12 ethnically diverse colleagues have taken up this offer. Five of these colleagues are participating in the ICS Inclusive Cultures Partnership Programme.

The use of positive action for ethnically diverse colleagues and colleagues from other protected characteristic groups can be built into the talent management programme as part of a joined-up approach across the People and Organisational Development Directorate and beyond. This is identified as a need in the WRES and WDES action plans and by NHS England or NHS Improvement

7 Equality diversity and inclusion objectives and priorities

NHS Organisations have a statutory requirement to prepare and publish equality objectives in support of the public sector equality duty (PSED) every four years. This requirement arose from the Equality Act 2010 (specific duties) Regulations 2011. The Equality Act guidance on publishing equality objectives recommends that NHS organisations use the equality delivery system to set their objectives.

The trust’s equality objectives have been developed to advance the trust’s commitment to equality and diversity and ensure compliance with the Equality Act 2010 and the equality delivery system (2) (EDS2). Overarching trust objectives have been identified to progress EDI across all the trust’s services. One individual specific objective has been identified per individual care group which ensures specific focus on a priority area.

Refreshed objectives will be set from 2024 to bring these in line with the newly launched EDS 2022 and the implementation of the high impact action’s which are currently being drafted by NHS England.

8 Equality objectives 2021 to 2024

8.1.1 Objective 1, trust-wide objective Objective Action Measurable outcome Progress to date

The trust has a significantly lower proportion of male staff (16.87%) compared to female staff which has an adverse effect on the gender pay gap percentage, as a larger proportion of male staff are within higher bands which is evident with our admin and clerical staff group. Comparing our 2021 data, the trust is already starting at a low position compared to other trusts. There has also been a significant improvement in relation to band 8a to 9 posts, with a reduction from 3.7% to 0.3%. However, the bonus pay has significantly increased in favour of male staff.

As an organisation there is still work to do in several key areas to re-dress the gender pay gap balance.

8.1.2 Objective 2, trust-wide objective Objective Action Measurable outcome Progress to date

The trust’s Communication team communicate throughout the trust about the benefits of joining a staff network and also support their work by:

The chief executive co-chaired the trust’s staff network annual general meeting held in May 2022 responding directly to the networks questions regarding:

A standing operating procedure has been approved to support committee members carrying out their roles and colleagues attending the network meetings.

Members of the EDI Workstream have promoted the Staff Networks within their areas of work. Colleagues engage with the networks to obtain their views on policies and practices. Members of the networks are invited to take part in recruitment assessments for senior leaders to ensure they are involved in decision making.

The EDI team continue to promote the networks and have re-designed and disseminated posters communicating the dates of the meetings. Objective Action Measurable outcome Progress to date

8.1.4 Objective 4, trust-wide objective Objective Action Measurable outcome Progress to date

8.1.5 Objective 5, trust-wide objective Objective Action Measurable outcome Progress to date

The EDI Workstream DAWN meeting and REaCH network have over viewed the data analysis, outcome and co-production of the associated action plans.

Ethnic minority and disabled colleagues have been offered career and interview skills coaching through their staff network groups. To date 12 ethnic minority or REACH colleagues have taken up this offer. 5 of these colleagues are participating in the ICS inclusive cultures partnership programme. Disability history month event info to go here.

The trust’s Communication team regularly publicise information relating to racial equality events, training and webinars. The Improvement and Culture team hold Schwartz rounds on the theme of racism and disability.

The Chief Executive has enabled the networks to take over their Friday Email communication for Black and LGBTQ+, disability history months promoting the themes of “proud to be” and hidden disabilities.

The network chair’s have enrolled on the NHS Providers “Developing staff chair’s programme”.

8.1.6 Objective 6, trust-wide objective Objective Action Measurable outcome Progress to date

As part of the trust’s commitment to develop an inclusive culture, we have developed an equality, diversity and inclusion reverse mentoring programme. Reverse mentoring aims to educate leaders in diversity issues and expose them to challenging dialogue which they might not otherwise encounter.

The purpose of the programme is to promote understanding of equality, diversity and Inclusion issues, and to provide opportunities for those in protected groups to challenge and influence the trust based on their lived experiences.

Cohort 1 for ethnic diverse colleagues took place in 2020/2021 and cohort 2 for our disabled colleagues was held September 2021 to April 2022.

Cohort 3 for our LGBTQ+ colleagues is due to commence in September 2023.

8.1.7 Objective 7, trust-wide objective Objective Action Measurable outcome Progress to date

8.1.8 Objective 8, trust-wide objective Objective Action Measurable outcome Progress to date

8.1.9 Objective 9, Doncaster care group Objective Action Measurable outcome Progress to date

8.1.10 Objective 10, all care groups Objective Action Measurable outcome Progress to date

8.1.11 Objective 11, Rotherham care group Objective Action Measurable outcome Progress to date

8.1.12 Objective 12, Children’s care group Objective Action Measurable outcome Progress to date

9 Conclusion

The 2022 PSED annual review report provides an update on information collected from the trust’s four care groups and corporate services and demonstrates how they promote equality diversity and Inclusion and the systems of support for our people. These areas are linked to the equality, diversity and inclusion work that the trust carries out to ensure that it meets its legal obligations and the EDS2022.

Our equality objectives were co-produced in 2021 and set the priorities for 4 years for the trust within the context of the current social and economic climate. The trust monitors its progress via its EDI workstream and people and organisational development committee.

The trust continues to work towards creating a more inclusive environment that values and respects the identity of all our people whilst harnessing their full potential. We aim to ensure that we provide sensitive, appropriate and accessible services so that people who use our services have the best possible health outcomes. We acknowledge that there is still work to do and will continually strive to be the best employer and provider of services.

We believe that the wealth of information contained within this review report demonstrates the significant progress made by the trust whilst operating in a challenging time for our people and those who use our services.

10 Equality delivery system (EDS) report 2022

11 Equality and diversity monitoring information 2023

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Page last reviewed: August 27, 2024
Next review due: August 27, 2025

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