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Admin bank and agency staff procedure


1 Introduction

The trust acknowledges that from time to time, departments may experience staffing difficulties and, in order to maintain service provision, may need to secure admin bank or agency staffing arrangements. Due consideration should be given to viable alternatives before the admin bank or agency staff are engaged.

The trust acknowledges that from time to time, departments may experience staffing difficulties and in order to maintain service provision, may need to secure admin bank or agency staffing arrangements. Due consideration should be given to viable alternative before admin bank or agency staff are engaged.

2 Purpose

This procedure sets out protocols for the use of admin bank staffing and the appointment of agency staff. The procedure is intended to support the following:

  • ensure compliance with the establishment control process
  • minimise agency costs and ensure value for money is obtained
  • improve the monitoring of temporary staff usage and spend within the organisation
  • encourage the recruitment and retention of staff
  • ensuring a consistent approach across the trust
  • compliance with employment legislation and law

2.1 Definitions

Definition Explanation
Admin bank staff member Individuals who have been recruited by the trust on ‘an as and when contract’ to the admin bank and who work within the trust as and when their services are required. These are taken on to work at various levels for any time period and are placed according to their skills and competencies by the admin bank co-ordinator. They are subject to the full trust Induction programme and mandatory training
Agency staff worker Individuals who work for an external agency and are appointed by the service at numerous agenda for change banding levels for any period of time and again are placed according to their skills and competencies by the external agency

3 Scope

This procedure applies to all managers who require the use of admin bank or agency staff on a temporary basis.

4 Responsibilities, accountabilities and duties

The chief executive has overall responsibility for the maintenance and implementation of trust procedural documents

The director of finance is accountable for the implementation and maintenance this of procedural document.

It is the responsibility of managers who require the placement of admin bank and agency workers to comply with this procedure and utilise these staff in an effective and efficient manner.

It is the responsibility of the head of procurement and purchase ledger to ensure that admin bank and agency staff are not placed without following these procedures and that these procedures are communicated accordingly.

It is the role of the admin bank co-ordinator to:

  • run the admin bank and ensure that all admin bank staff undertake mandatory training and updates
  • ensure admin bank staff attend the trusts’ induction programme advise managers on appropriate use of admin bank staff
  • work closely with managers to ensure a cost effective service
  • that bank staff have the appropriate skills and have all the appropriate knowledge, experience and competencies monitor the duration and the nature of booking or placements
  • deal with any issues, for example, sickness or complaints
  • ensure shifts are recorded correctly on the e-bank system

5 Procedure and implementation

5.1 Identification of the requirement for a temporary admin member of staff

When it has been decided that a temporary member of staff is required and all other methods of fulfilling the role have been explored and that it is for a relevant reason, for example, long term sickness or need extra resource for a project. Certain considerations need to be taken into account:

  • it has to be in the most cost effective and efficient manner appropriate to the service
  • how long the staff member will be required for, if longer than two weeks then an establishment control form will be need to be completed and signed off by the relevant director. See appendix A
  • there is a clear role defined
  • is the funding available
  • what banding is required
  • hours of work
  • what skills and competencies will you require the temporary staff member to have

5.2 Booking a temporary admin staff member

When all elements of the placement have been agreed, a placement request form needs to be completed and authorised. You will then be contacted by the admin bank co-ordinator who will discuss your requirements in detail to ascertain if there is a suitable individual to undertake the assignment. Note, the admin bank co-ordinator will only suggest the use of an external agency for admin placements in exceptional circumstances.  If there is a suitable admin bank staff member which can be placed then an appropriate start date will be organised and a time period agreed. The admin bank co-ordinator will ensure the staff member is with the service at the correct date and time and is briefed accordingly.

If all options within the admin bank are exhausted then advice will be given to use an external agency. The admin bank co-ordinator will provide details of suppliers which can be used under the national framework for the service to make direct contact. It is essential to ensure that when an agency is utilised that NHS improvements capped rates are charged and only crown commercial services framework suppliers are used. A requisition will then need to be raised via the Integra system to cover this requirement, so invoices can be paid promptly. Agency staff will only be utilised until a member of the admin bank becomes available.

Wherever the temporary staff member comes from, if a placement is going to be over 2 weeks then an establishment control form will need to be completed and authorised by the relevant director, where the funding source will be identified. This is then passed to the human resources department who will then issue a ROW number. The admin bank co-ordinator or the purchasing department will not process any placements or process any requisitions for temporary staff without this number.

5.3 Whilst admin bank and agency worker is in placement

A local induction will have to be undertaken with the worker to ensure they understand their role, know who they are working with and know what is expected of them.

The admin bank worker will need to ensure that their shifts are locked down on the e-bank system for each placement by their placement manager. Any amendments to shifts (days, not times) or annual leave requirements will be amended by the admin bank co-ordinator.  Workers from an agency will usually be asked to complete a time sheet weekly and should be signed off accordingly.

Regular contact should be maintained by the placement manager to ensure the worker is coping with the role and fully understands what is expected of them. Any problems or issues can either be dealt with by the manager on a one-to-one level or by the admin bank co-ordinator or directly with the agency, if an agency worker. The issues should be fully discussed and recorded and the outcome monitored thoroughly

The admin bank worker has a leave entitlement of 1 hour per 8 hours worked, and this has to be authorised by their placement manager, this requirement should then be emailed to the admin bank co-ordinator on This entitlement can vary with agency workers; this should be checked at the time of booking.

All admin bank workers have access to the trust training programmes that are applicable to their role.

The admin bank worker should be given as much notice as possible that the end of their placement is approaching, and the admin bank coordinator is made aware. A feedback form (see appendix B) should be completed at the end of the placement and returned to the admin bank co-ordinator, this is to ensure that the worker has been placed successfully and can be taken into consideration when placing elsewhere. Agency workers will also need to be notified in advance so they can let the Agency know when they will be available for another placement.

All charges for the admin bank workers will be charged out by management accounts and appear on your budget report as administration bank staff.

Also following a placement an agency worker may apply for a post within the trust and if appointed, the organisation may be liable for a placement fee. This can be avoided by ensuring you notify the agency of your intentions at least 4 weeks before the worker begins at the trust.

6 Training implications

There are no specific training needs in relation to this policy, but the following staff will need to be familiar with its contents:

  • admin bank staff
  • managers who require temporary staff
  • admin bank co-ordinator
  • finance staff
  • any other individual or group with a responsibility for implementing the contents of this policy

As a trust policy, all staff need to be aware of the key points that the policy covers. Staff can be made aware through:

A number of a variety of means such as:

  • team brief weekly newsletter
  • trust wide mail drop
  • trust wide email
  • team meetings
  • special meetings
  • one to one meetings or group supervision
  • supervision
  • posters
  • practice development days
  • CPD sessions
  • local Induction

The training needs analysis (TNA) for this policy can be found in the training needs analysis document which is part of the trust’s mandatory risk management training policy located under policy section of the trust website.

7 Monitoring arrangements

7.1 Procedure is adhered to

  • How: Reporting on spend on admin bank staff and agency.
  • Who by: Head of procurement and purchase ledger or HR.
  • Reported to: Workforce work stream.
  • Frequency: Monthly.

7.2 Orders for agency staff and bookings for admin. bank staff not processed without row numbers

  • How:  Purchasing staff and admin bank coordinator to obtain row number on all bookings over 2 weeks.
  • Who by: Purchasing or admin bank co-ordinator or head of procurement and purchase ledger.
  • Reported to: HR and OD group or internal audit monthly.
  • Frequency: Daily operationally or  monthly to groups.

8 Equality impact assessment screening

To access the equality impact assessment for this policy, please email to request the document.

8.1 Privacy, dignity and respect

The NHS constitution states that all patients should feel that their privacy and dignity are respected while they are in hospital. High quality care for all (2008), Lord Darzi’s review of the NHS, identifies the need to organise care around the individual, ‘not just clinically but in terms of dignity and respect’.

As a consequence the trust is required to articulate its intent to deliver care with privacy and dignity that treats all service users with respect. Therefore, all procedural documents will be considered, if relevant, to reflect the requirement to treat everyone with privacy, dignity and respect, (when appropriate this should also include how same sex accommodation is provided).

8.2 Mental Capacity Act (2005)

Central to any aspect of care delivered to adults and young people aged 16 years or over will be the consideration of the individuals’ capacity to participate in the decision-making process. Consequently, no intervention should be carried out without either the individual’s informed consent, or the powers included in a legal framework, or by order of the court.

Therefore, the trust is required to make sure that all staff working with individuals who use our service are familiar with the provisions within the mental capacity act. For this reason all procedural documents will be considered, if relevant to reflect the provisions of the Mental Capacity Act (2005) to ensure that the rights of individual are protected and they are supported to make their own decisions where possible and that any decisions made on their behalf when they lack capacity are made in their best interests and least restrictive of their rights and freedoms.

8.2.1 How this will be met

All individuals involved in the implementation of this policy should do so in accordance with the guiding principles of the Mental Capacity Act (2005) (section 1).

10 Appendices

10.1 Appendix A Admin bank placement request form

10.2 Appendix B Admin bank customer feedback form

Document control

  • Version: 2.5.
  • Unique reference number: 192.
  • Date approved: 5 December 2023.
  • Approved by: Corporate policy approval group.
  • Name of originator or author: Head of procurement and purchase ledger.
  • Name of responsible individual: Executive director of finance and performance.
  • Date issued: 6 December 2023.
  • Review date: 31 March 2024 (extension).
  • Target audience: All managers requiring temporary staff.

Page last reviewed: December 24, 2024
Next review due: December 24, 2025

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